Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – June 21, 2021


Traci K. Kron to McKenzie M. Bender. SW NW s14, t5s, r6w, five acres.

News Publishing Company, LLC, f/k/a News Publishing Company, Inc., to LCN Realty, LLC. Pt. Outlot 5, Hynes Don., City of Rockport.

Santa Claus Car Care, Inc. to Huntingburg Professionals, LLC. Pt. SE SE s35, t4s, r5w, 0.64 acre; Pt. SW SW s36, t4s, r5w, 0.64 acre; SE SE s35, t4s, r5w, 0.28 acre.

Scott and Melissa Rowe to Michael A. Brockman. Lots 72 and 80, Santa Fairway 8th Sub., Santa Claus.

Earl Steven and Phyllis Veloice Mead to Holler at Harney, LLC. Lots 7 and 8, Hynes Don., City of Rockport.

Frank F. and Donna F. Ingram to Kenneth A. and Sandra G. Spaetti. Lot 34, Reo Heights Sub.

Patricia Ewing to Kyle Bryant. NW SW s16, t4s, r5w, 0.55 acre, Dale.

James McNeil to Jeremy A. and Andrea M. Wagner. Lot 9, Country Ridge, Rockport.

Ralph Alan Ayer to David Hughes. SE SW s32, t6s, r5w, 3.00 acres, Grandview.

Mullis Farms to Erika N. Tscheulin. SW NE s14, t4s, r4w, two acres, St. Meinrad.