Thanksgiving Parade at Luce Elementary makes for a popping party


By Don Steen ~ Staff Writer • [email protected]

Luce Elementary held their own Macy’s Day Thanksgiving Parade last Tuesday, balloons and all. Students across the school prepared unique balloons of favored characters, creative critters and other imaginative selections to liven up the school ahead of Thanksgiving Break. Guests from the community were in attendance to take in the show as well.

As with any proper parade, Luce Elementary kicked off with a celebrated grand marshal. This year’s honoree was “Poppy Jones”, so named for providing popcorn at school events. He was carted around the gym by faithful attendants, allowing him to wave and pump up the crowd for the main event.

One by one, classes paraded across the stage, giving each balloon and its creator a moment in the limelight. Even staff members got into the fun.

Kids were treated to everything from juggling and comedy acts to a convincing “live broadcast” of the day’s proceedings in the style of the Macy’s Day Parade.

Featured Image: Among the crowd of kids, one girl gave a thumbs-up to show she was having a lot of fun

A gallery of photos highlights all of the festivities that went down at the Thanksgiving Parade