Toys for Tots loads up the sleigh


By Don Steen ~ Staff Writer • [email protected]

A late load of Christmas presents embarked on its journey to kids enrolled in the Toys for Tots program, departing from the Rockport Church of the Nazarene December 18. Rockport American Legion Post Commander Scott Payne braved a cold winter’s evening to come collect the goods ahead of Christmas Day.

This is the first year that Rockport American Legion Jenkins Post 254 is taking the lead on Toys for Tots, which had previously been organized by the Christian Resource Center. The Legion’s efforts during this inaugural year are focused on the Rockport area, but next year Payne hopes to extend the operation to include the whole county. More than 55 kids were enrolled in this first round of Toys for Tots, and Payne said there should be more than enough toys to meet that need.

Patty and Brett Cieslack of the Rockport Church of the Nazarene said this is the church’s third year participating in Toys for Tots, and church members managed to fill their collection box and then some. To help raise money for the effort, Brett and other members of the congregation volunteered to let people pay to throw pies in their face. That event alone garnered around $110.

Patty said it was a challenge to stretch all the donations as far as they could go, but it was also important to get toys for a wide range of kids. She pointed out that many people tend to find shopping easier for young children, but it can be much harder for infants and toddlers as well as adolescents. As a result, Toys for Tots boxes often yield little for the 0 to 2 and 12 to 14 age categories. The Rockport Church of the Nazarene aimed to provide some more selections for those age groups.

Payne said he expects the Legion to come away with a surplus of toys this year, meaning they will have a head start on next year’s county-wide initiative. With hundreds of children likely to be on their “nice list” next season, every bit will count.

Toys for Tots began in 1947, developed by Marine Corps Reserve Major Bill Hendricks. For more information, including how to donate or request a toy for a child in need, visit

Featured Image: The Toys for Tots donation box was joyfully overflowing with all kinds of donated toys for kids in need

Patty Cieslack and Scott Payne loaded up the donation box to deliver the toys from the Rockport Church of the Nazarene

Brett Cieslack and other members also raised money by allowing people to pay to throw pie in their faces