53rd Annual Dale Fall Festival 5K Walk/Run slated


The Dale Fall Festival will hold a 5K Walk/Run on the morning of Saturday, September 11. Registration and check-in begins at 6 a.m. CDT and the Walk/Run begins at 7 a.m.

Starting line will be at the former EMT building. There will be awards given to participants with the winning times in each of the different age groups along with overall male and female. Attendance prizes will also be drawn. Refreshments will be available at the end of the race. Register by August 24 to guarantee a t-shirt on walk day.

Registration cost is $20 until August 24, or $25 the day of the race. Cost for ages 6-12 will be $15 and ages 6 and under are free. Forms are available on the Dale Fall Fest Facebook page, at Lincoln Heritage Public Library and Dale Town Hall.

Mail your completed entry form to Amy Fetter – Dale Fall Fest 5K, PO Box 1, Dale, IN 47523. Make checks payable to Dale Fall Festival. For more information contact Amy Fetter @ 812-630-1239 or at [email protected].