Heritage Hills Wrestling Sectionals Photo Gallery


Photos by Hope Davis

Heritage Hills competed in the Wrestling Sectional Championship Saturday morning at Castle High School. Regional Championship, which will be taking place this Saturday at Evansville North beginning at 9 a.m. CST.

Below are final scores and placings.

Castle- 232.5
Boonville- 221
Heritage Hills-184.5
Memorial- 180.5
South Spencer- 128
Evansville Harrison- 109.5
Tecumseh- 81
Washington- 47
Evansville Bosse- 23

Blake Duttlinger- 3rd
Braxton Hays- 3rd
Sam Scott- 1st
Wyatt Adkins- 3rd
Beau Heeke- 1st
Brendon Chew- 3rd
Cole Neighbors- 3rd
Quintin Tempel- 3rd
Brody Ford- 4th
Phoenix Rodgers- 1st

Full Gallery can be found on Spencer County Online’s Facebook photo albums.