Benefit meal and bake sale set for local veteran


A benefit meal and bake sale will be held Sunday, August 4 at the Ferdinand American Legion for Joey Vaal, a local Iraq War veteran who recently had a softball-sized brain tumor removed. Vaal is a single father and has not been able to work because of these health issues.

Meals are $10 and include a one-inch thick barbecued pork chop, baked potato and baked beans. Meals, along with bake sale items, can be picked up from the Ferdinand American Legion at 11 a.m. EDT on August 4. Pre-order meals by July 29 by calling the Ferdinand Legion at 812-367-1241. 

The fundraiser is being hosted by the Ferdinand Legion, Ferdinand VFW, Ferdinand Sons of Legion, Ferdinand American Legion Auxiliary, NASCAR Club of Southern Indiana, and Friends of Joey.