Spencer County Accidents – January 20, 2019


Spencer County Sheriff’s Department

Ran off road

Garrett Freeman, 25, of Rockport, was traveling eastbound on Old State Road 66 near Richland when, he later told authorities, he dropped his cell phone and reached down to retrieve it, at which point he ran off the roadway and into a tree-line. Freeman’s 2014 Ford F150 then struck a tree head-on, breaking off the front driver’s side wheel. Freeman was not injured in the January 8, 8:41 p.m. accident, but damage to his vehicle was estimated between $5,000-10,000.

Vehicle hydroplanes, runs off road

Jaime Morrison, 40, of Newburgh, was eastbound on SR 66 near Grandview when, she later told authorities, her 2017 Chevrolet Cruze began hydroplaning on standing water in the roadway. Her car lost traction and ran off the road, striking an embankment and a small ditch. The Cruze then traveled back onto the roadway, crossing it before ending up in another embankment. Morrison was not injured in the January 11, 12:48 p.m. crash. Damage to her vehicle was estimated between $5,000-10,000.