Community Table to reopen July 16


Hot meals will be available at the Micah Center at Dale Presbyterian Church on Thursday, July 16.

Due to Governor Holcomb’s Wednesday, July 1, executive order to hold off reopening restaurants for a few more weeks, the program will serve meals, but the building will not be open to the public.

Volunteers will prepare meals and serve them from 5:30-6:30 p.m. CDT at the west side door of the Micah Center. Boxed meals will be provided and are open to all in the community.

Patrons are asked to wear masks, as are staff, hosts and servers. Masks are not provided; bring your own, or wear a large handkerchief or piece of folded cloth. Gloves are provided for kitchen staff.

Patrons are asked not to have physical contact with others waiting in line. Please remain six to eight feet apart and be patient.

Those who wish to participate in the free meal program are asked to call ahead for a meal to take home. Call the church at 812-937-2560 or Cheryl Hurst at 812-489-0239 and leave a message with your name, phone number and the number of meals requested (one per person per household). Calls will help volunteers prepare enough to serve everyone, but are not required. Meals called in will be filled first.