Executive Order prevents evictions, foreclosures, utility disconnections


Last Tuesday, Governor Eric J. Holcomb signed Executive Order 20-33 to extend the prohibition on evictions, foreclosures, and the disconnection of utility services.

The prohibition on evictions from rental properties and the prohibition on filing foreclosures are both extended through July 31. Renters, homeowners, lending institutions and landlords are encouraged to establish payment plans to avoid later evictions or foreclosures.

Hoosiers struggling to pay rent due to the impact of COVID-19 may be eligible for rental assistance. Applications for the $25 million Indiana COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program will be accepted online beginning at 9 a.m. ET on Monday, July 13 atIndianaHousingNow.org.

Utilities regulated by the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission must follow the order issued Monday by the commission prohibiting service disconnections through Aug. 14. Under Executive Order 20-33, non-regulated utility companies must also extend service until August 14. Customers and utility companies are encouraged to establish payment plans now to avoid later discontinuations of service.

The executive order also extends the temporary licensing of the following health care workers who do not currently hold an active license to practice for an additional 30 days:

• Medical professionals who retired or became inactive in the last five years

• Medical professionals who hold licenses in other states

• Certain medical students and graduates.

These professionals must register with the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency via their website at www.in.gov/pla. They will be able to assist in screenings, telemedicine and other basic procedures to allow regularly licensed medical professionals to be on the frontline.

More information may be found at the ISDH website at coronavirus.in.gov and the CDC website at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html.