Real Estate Transfers – January 11, 2021


Jane Ann Brown, Lisa Ellen Wathen and Eric Jon Wolfe to Rich and Pam Kerchner. Lot 30, January 1st Sub.

Angela D. Knies to Bradley Hawk. SE SE s31, t6s, r7w, 7.59 acres, Richland.

Scott A. and Robin T. Wasson to Adam and Jessica Knies. Lot 229, Noel Shores 6th Sub.

Lisa Marie Plummer, f/k/a Lisa M. Cochenour, to Murad Aliev. Lot 3, Holly Shores 11th Add.

Larry Diamond to Murad Aliev. Lot 7, Holly Shores 5th Sub.

Keith M. and Mary Beth Wilkinson to Kristen D. McGan. s26, t7s, r6w; s26, t7s, r6w, 0.03 acre, City of Rockport.

Bob L. and Pauline R. Palstring to Rene and Duane E. Freudenberg. NW NE s31, t7s, r6w, 1.00 acre; NW NE s31, t7s, r6w, 0.50 acre, Rockport.

Beckort Family Farms LLC, Richard Leland Beckort, Martha Jo Beckort, Margaret Gwen Hermann, Patrick E. Pekinpaugh and Mary Ann Pekinpaugh to Justin T. and Amber D. Roth. SE s4, t8s, r6w, 80 acres; SE SE s4, t8s, r6w, 16 acres; NE NE s9, t8s, r6w, 12 acres.

Beckort Family Farms LLC to Justin T. and Amber D. Roth. NE SW s4, t8s, r6w, 15.4641 acres; NE SW s4, t8s, r6w, 20 acres; NW SW s4, t8s, r6w, 36.70 acres.

Jonathan M. Day to Jason and April Susnjara. Lots 14 and 15, Lakeview 2nd Sub.

Jason P. and April R. Susnjara to Lacy and Clarence Payne. Lots 149 and 150, Holly Shores 11th Add.

Patrick E. and Brenda S. Arnold to Klint and Lydia Arnold. Lot 6, Turnham Heights Sub.

Pamela J. and James A. Crowe to the Dennis James and Rose Marie Haines Primary Trust. Lot 54, Country Ridge, Rockport.

Angela D. Gibbs to Christopher Valentine and Kathy Harer. Pt. Lot, Brittons Add., City of Rockport.

Vicki L. Peckenpaugh Schweizer to Colin Wayne and Sonya Clarke. SW SW s19, t6s, r4w, two acres, Grandview.

Dennis W. and Wesley A. Fueger to Kelli Lynn Fueger. Lots 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29, Centerville Powell Add.; Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 20 and 21, Town of Centerville; NE s16, t6s, r6w, 87 acres; NW s15, t6s, r6w, 52 acres; SE NW s15, t6s, r6w, 5.25 acres; SE NW s15, t6s, r6w.

Robin and Jodie Webster to Douglas A. Charles. NE s33, t5s, r5w, 1.13 acre, Lamar.

Ateem Construction, LLC to John M. and Haylee M. Bell. Lot 11 LS, Pleasant Grove Sub. Phase 11, 1.113 acre.

Jedadiah and Jessi Mullen to Jill A. Scherzer. Lots 242 and 243, January 1st Sub., Santa Claus.

John A. and Rebecca R. Pigeon to Brent A and Patricia A. Carlson. Lots 146 and 147, Noel Shores 6th Sub., Santa Claus.

Trenton and Madeline Nelson to Eric Rothgerber. NW SW NW s12, t6s, r5w, one acre; NW SW NW s12, t6s, r5w, four acres.

Amy K. Laughlin McCracken to Justin D. and Susan M. Bosley. Lot 2, Reindeer 7th Sub.

Delores C. Siddons and Joeb Eldrich Siddons, Jr. (deceased) to Jeffrey Lee Harmon. SW NW s30, t7s, r6w, 2.393 acres, Rockport.

Wesley J. Knies to Angela and Dale English. NE SE s19, t7s, r6w, 0.631 acre, Rockport.

Raymond E. and Mary Lillian Shiveley to the MD Nichols Revocable Trust. SW NE s19, t7s, r6w, 23.456 acres.

Elizabeth Ann Franchville to Carla and Arlan Johnson. Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 16, Lamar Greer & Rays Survey.

Ryan S. and Georganna L. Young to Jeffrey Charleston Roberts. Lot 20, Country Ridge, Rockport.

Barry Gamber to Britni Nicol Chavez. NE SE s17, t4s, r5w, Town of Dale.

Bruce and Julie Card to Anna Sherbatova. Lot 53, Carol Hills 3rd Sub., Santa Claus.

Wayne Hobbs and Pamela Hobbs Weyer to Tyler S. Oliver. Pt. SE NW s7, t4s, r5w; SE NW s17, t4s, r5w, 2.5 acres, Town of Dale.

Jack R. Robinson to Now Counseling Services, LLC. Pt. Inlot 36, William R. Hynes Don., City of Rockport.

Everett D. Sr. and Natalie D. Vanhorn to James B. and Shannon G. Middleton. NW SE s27, t6s, r5w, 6.28 acres, Grandview.

Rebekah Wittman to Philip R. Wittman. NW NW s21, t7s, r7w, 0.46 acre; SW NW s21, t7s, r7w, 0.46 acre; NW NW s21, t7s, r7w, 0.12 acre, Richland.

Debra Lynn Ray to Anna Sherbatova. Lot 111, Noel Shores 6th Sub.

Robert E. and Janice C. Harpenau to Adam J. and Todd M. Heeke. Lot 283, Holly Shores 5th Sub., Santa Claus.

Edmond M. and Betty L. Dunivan to Henri & Sons Properties, LLC. Lot 58, Polar Shores Add. 9th Sub., Santa Claus.

Darlene Dolletski Bufkin to Tri-County Property Management, LLC. Lots 1 and 2, JB Chrisney 7th Add., Chrisney.

Jed M. and Linda D. Inman to Nathan R. and Jennifer R. Inman. SE SE s36, t5s, r5w, 6.89 acres, Lamar.

Christopher L. and Donna R. Burroughs and the Christopher L. Burroughs Trust to the Donna R. Burroughs Trust. SE NW SE s3, t6s, r6w, four acres; SW NW SE s3, t6s, r6w, four acres, Chrisney.

Christopher L. and Donna R. Burroughs to C&D Burroughs, LLC. 1/3 Int. NW NW s8, t6, r6w, 80 acres; 1/3 Int. SE SE s33, t5s, r6w, 90 acres; 1/3 Int. SW SE s33, t5s, r6w, 90 acres; 1/3 Int. NE s4, t6s, r6w, 10 acres; SE NW SE s3, t6s, r6w, 13.926 acres; SW NW SE s3, t6s, r6w, 13.926 acres; NE NE s13, t6s, r7w, 51.6 acres; SE NE s13, t6s, r7w, 51.6 acres; SE NE s7, t6s, r6w, 1.328 acre; SW NE s7, t6s, r6w, 1.328 acre; NE SE s10, t6s, r6w, 25 acres; SW SE s10, t6s, r6w, 50 acres; NE SW s3, t6s, r6w, 36 acres; SE SW s3, t6s, r6w, 36 acres; NW NE s7, t6s, r6w, 80 acres; NE NE s7, t6s, r6w, 80 acres; SW SE s6, r6w, r6w, 32 acres; NE NE SE s6, r6w, r6w, 10 acres; NW SW s5, t6s, r6w, 40 acres; SW NE SW s5, t6w, r6w, 15.10 acres; 1/3 Int. SW NW s8, t6s, r6w, 80 acres; NW SE s3, t6s, r6w, 40 acres; NE SE s3, t6s, r6w, 40 acres; SW SE s3, t6s, r6w, 40 acres; Pt. NW s18, t6s, r6w; SE NW s18, t6s, r6w, 1.51 acre; NE NE s8, t6s, r6w, 37.56 acres; SE NE s8, t6s, r6w, 37.56 acres. 

Paul F. Ficker to Sheila Traenkle, Michael Ficker and Jill Broyles. SE NE s29, t4s, r4w, 80 acres; SW NE s29, t4s, r4w, 80 acres; SW NW NW s28, t4s, r4w, 80 acres; NE SE s29, t4s, r4w, 73.73 acres; SE SE s29, t4s, r4w, 73.73 acres, Fulda.

Scott and Shari Hutcheson to Hillary L. Hutcheson. NE SW s29, t7w, r7w, 1.0 acre, Rockport.

Charlotte K. Lee to Daniel Ray and Autumn Nichole Wilson. Transfer on death deed. SW SE s2, t5s, r6w, one acre, Gentryville.

Edward Joseph and Brenda Sue Hagedorn to Evan M. Hagedorn and Emilie A. Vaovasa. Transfer on death deed. NW SW s17, t5s, r4w, 10.5766 acres, Lamar.

Town of Richland to Ron Smith. Lot 33, Lake Realty Co. Add., Richland.

Chris L. and Cathy J. Kirkpatrick to Jeffrey L. and Marcia L. Monar. s26, t7s, r6w.

Austin L. Zachmeyer and Sara L. Dzimianski to Justin and Melissa Goembel. NW SW s14, t5s, r4w, 9.86 acres; NW SW s14, t5s, r4w.

James B. and Shannon G. Middleton to Walker L. Jewell. Lot 32, Dougans Add., Grandview.