Dubois County Court News – April 27, 2021



Speeding: Jessica Kissel; Sonia Mendez; Logan T. Sullivan; Reyna J. Esparza; Joanna C. Bailey; Nicole L. Merkel; Lindsey N. Ingle; Sophia S. Velez, $141. 

Operating With Expired Plates: Sierra A. King; Jodean K. Powers; Sherri M. Wesley, $141; Kenene C. Kave, dismissed. 

Driving While Suspended: Jennifer J. Ramos, dismissed; Zackary B. Wilson, $141. 

Open Alcoholic Beverage Container During Operation of Motor Vehicle: Reece R. Haas, $141. 

Driving While Suspended / Speeding: John W. Carroll, $141. 

Seatbelt Violation: Travis S. Haug; Brittany J. Benton, $25. 

New Suits

Crane Credit Union vs Jennifer Lents, civil collection. 

Julie M. Gollehon vs Michael L. Gollehon, domestic relations.

Nissa McConnell vs Paul McConnell, domestic relations.

Erika Y. Posada Estrada vs Jaime A. Guillen Castro, domestic relations. 

Mariner Finance, LLC, successor in interest to Personal Finance Company, LLC, vs Jason Almon, civil collection.

Jeff Fortwendel vs Kirie Fortwendel, domestic relations.

Circuit Civil

Jennifer Schipp vs Christopher Schipp, marriage dissolved.

Midland Funding, LLC vs Osmany Cedeno, dismissed with prejudice. 

Hazel Leinenbach vs Bradley S. Leinenbach, marriage dissolved. 

Mariner Finance, LLC, successor in interest to Personal Finance Company, LLC, vs Brett Henkle, default judgment for plaintiff, $7,476.78.

Circuit Criminal

State of Indiana vs the following:

Franklin K. Gramelspacher, pled guilty to nine counts of child molesting (level 1 and 4 felonies) and dissemination of matter harmful to minors (two counts), level 6 felony; sentenced to 40 years in the Indiana Department of Correction in each of counts 1, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10; two years and 180 days each in counts 5 and 14; 12 years in each of counts 12 and 13, to run concurrently; required to register as sex or violent offender and predator; pay fines and costs.

Winter Redecker, dismissed.

Devonte J. Chatman, pled guilty to domestic battery resulting in moderate bodily injury (count 1), level 6 felony, and resisting law enforcement (count 2), class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 730 days in Dubois County Security Center (DCSC) in count 1 and 365 days in count 2, with 365 days to serve on work release and remaining 365 days to suspended to supervised probation, undergo substance abuse evaluation and comply with all treatment recommendations, enroll in and complete Batterers Intervention Program, no contact with victim, pay fines and costs, sentence to run consecutively with other causes.

Carlishia N. Dooley, pled guilty to forgery, level 6 felony; sentenced to 300 days in DCSC, pay fines and costs.

Luis Santos, pled guilty to synthetic identity deception, level 6 felony; sentenced to 96 days in DCSC, with credit for time served, pay fines and costs.

Cristiana A. Reyes, pled guilty to invasion of privacy, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to six days in DCSC, with credit for time served and good time credit, pay fines and costs.

Superior Civil

Lengacher Development, LLC vs Anna Barber, default judgment for plaintiff, $10,235 plus interest. 

Jessica Ferguson vs Morgan Lillpop and American Family Mutual Insurance Co., dismissed with prejudice. 

Absolute Resolutions Investments, LLC vs Gadir Prat, default judgment for plaintiff, $1,152.96 plus court costs. 

TD Bank USA, N.A. vs Bridget Englert, dismissed. 

Superior Criminal

State of Indiana vs the following:

Tony K. Garrett, pled guilty to operating a vehicle while intoxicated, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC, with 241 days suspended to supervised probation and 124 days to serve on home detention with SCRAM monitoring, contact court alcohol/drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, driver’s license suspended 180 days, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screenings, pay fines and costs. 

Christopher K. McCan, pled guilty to possession of marijuana, class B misdemeanor; sentenced to four days in DCSC (two days if good time credit is earned), pay fines and costs.

Small Claims (New)

Medical & Professional Collection Services, Inc. vs Sherry Lynn Haulk, complaint.

Organ Law Offices, P.C. on behalf of Monesmith & Wood vs Joshua Karns, complaint. 

Mill Creek Apartments vs Martin R. Agosto Rivera, eviction.

Village Court Apartments vs Araceli Beltran and Jose Rodriguez, eviction.

Small Claims

Procol, Inc. vs the following: Stephen and Toni Emmett, judgment for plaintiff, $418.20; Andrew J. Miller, judgment for plaintiff, $62.67; Anthony and Jennifer Huckelby, judgment for plaintiff, $160.84. 

Jasper Municipal Utilities vs the following: Devin S. and Jacqueline D. Breeding, judgment for plaintiff, $199.48; Gabriela J. Luna, judgment for plaintiff, $230.78; Angel J. Reyes, judgment for plaintiff, $260.24; Norbert L. Schreiner, Jr., judgment for plaintiff, $750.12. 

Laura Seaton vs Omar San Muguel and Marina Puckett, judgment for plaintiff, $3,600. 

Carpenter Rentals vs Zachary Garcia, judgment for plaintiff, $513. 

Dubois County Highway vs Logan Seger, judgment for plaintiff, $1,330.23. 

Dr. Gregory Gordon vs Charlie Weyer, dismissed. 

Organ Law Offices, P.C., on behalf of Monesmith & Wood, vs Kathy S. and Tony Smith, dismissed.