Dale News August 22, 1975: Sisters of St. Benedict to record Christmas album


Sisters of St. Benedict of Ferdinand have commenced work on their planned Christmas recording which they plan to market in time for Christmas season this year.

Many rehearsals have gone into this production, such as this one of Mrs. Jean Murphy Simpson of Huntingburg, one of three Academy Alumnae who are joining the convent and academy voices in this record. Seated at the organ is Sr. Theresita Schenk, who will play an organ prelude to the Christmas songs.

On Tuesday, August 12, a representative of the Talon Recording Company of Richmond, Ind., taped the ringing of the Convent bells and the organ prelude by Sr. Theresita. All will be combined into the Christmas record.

Making this record is a fundraising project sponsored by Marian Heights Academy Parent organization.