Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – October 18, 2021


Gregory A. Hubert to Kyle J. James. Lot 122, Santas Fairway Sub.

Joe Neal and Pauline J. Marshall to Joseph N. Sisley and Kathryn Kramer Sisley. Lots 165 and 166, Polar Shores Add. 9th.

Karen S. Griepenstroh to John D. Brockman. E 1/2 SE s24, t6s, r5w, 0.17 acre; E 1/2 SE s24, t5s, r5w, 1.0 acre.

Nancy Breininger to Anna L. and Jeffrey W. Hagedorn. Pt. NW NE s7, t5s, r3w, 0.75 acre.

Jeffrey W. and Anna L. Hagedorn to Nancy Breininger. NW NE s7, t5s, r3w, 0.933 acre.

Geraldine A. and Randy K. Ferguson to Patrick and Catherine Luecke. N 1/2 NE SW s24, t5s, r4w, 10 acres, Evanston.

Betty Sue Beasley and David Keith Beasley (deceased), by Teri L. Platts (attorney-in-fact), to Newtell Limited. W 1/2 Lot 21, Wedekings Sub., Dale.

Sandra E. Wilson to Jeremy L. and Jessica J. Peckinpaugh. Pt. NW NE s23, t4s, r4w, 5.17 acres.

Mitchell J. Edwards to Bryan Baker and Victoria Wagner. Pt. SW NW s1, t8s, r7w, 12.0 acres, Rockport.

Brad-Lee and Allison Hagan to Travis Clay and Jennifer Lanea Newton. Pt. SE s12, t7s, r7w, 0.077 acre; W 1/2 SE s12, t7s, r7w, 1.0 acre; SE s12, t7s, r7w, 0.10 acre, Rockport.

Rental Solutions, LLC to Charles W. and Autumn Lynn Miles. Lot 12, Brittons Add., Rockport.

Shirley A. Schaefer and Lloyd W. Nugent, Jr. (attorney-in-fact) to Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company d/b/a Centerpoint Energy Indiana South. Pt. SE SE s12, t6s, r6w, 10.000 acres.

Coal Equity, Inc. f/k/a Coal Inland, Inc. to Donald and Charity Hatfield. Pt. Lot 54, Wrights & Griffins Don.; Pt. s23, t7s, r6w, 6.377 acres.

Julia T. Dafron to Cambron Crabtree. Pt. OL 85, Mosleys & Griffins Don., Rockport.

Kimberly L. and Robert W. Estes to Melissa K. Weales. Lot 206, Reindeer 7th Sub., Santa Claus.

Charlotte K. Lee to Daniel R. and Autumn N. Wilson. Pt. SW SE s2, t5s, r6w, 1.0 acre, Gentryville.

John B. Kiel to Access PM, LLC. Pt. NW SW s20, t4s, r4w, 12.40 acres, Ferdinand.

Town of Santa Claus, Indiana Redevelopment Commission to Top Dog Enterprises, LLC. Pt. NE SE s4, t5s, r5w, 10.465 acres.