Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – January 31, 2021


Joyce Elaine Badger, by Rachel Manring (attorney-in-fact), to Debra Shoemaker. N 1/2 NW s19, t7s, r7w, two acres.

Lisa R. Rumley and Ashley A. Williams to Jake N. Morris. Lot 2E6, Winchell Sub., Richland.

Charles J. Stallman and Anna Wirth to Hunter T. Lottes. Lot 305, Holly Shores 5th Sub., Santa Claus.

Cindy Roos and Kensie Basham to Cody B. Herron and Kendra K. Wilson. Lot 39, William R. Hynes Don., Rockport.

Lavon Case to the State of Indiana. Pt. NW SE s17, t4s, r5w.

Krempp Corporation to Krempp Bros. Farms, LLC. SE NW s16, t5s, r6w, 40 acres.

Ryan D. Callahan to Kathryn L. and Matthew N. Brenner. Pt. SE NE s19, t5s, r5w.

Jack R. Kitchen to the State of Indiana. Pt. Lot 14, Town of Dale.

North Spencer Community Action Center, Inc. to the State of Indiana. Pt. Lot 13, Town of Dale.

Joann F. Etienne to Dennis J. Palmer and Eric J. Palmer. Pt. SW NW s7, t6s, r5w, 8.197 acres; Pt. NW SW s7, t6s, r5w, 3.704 acres; Pt. NW SW s7, t6s, r5w, 5.78 acres; Pt. NW SW s7, t6s, r5w, 3.7 acres; SW NW s12, t6s, r6w; Pt. NE SE s12, t6s, r6w, 69.987 acres.

Janice L. Wahl, by Lisa Roberts (attorney-in-fact), to John R. Metzler and Darlene A. Brown. Lot 17, Gabriel Medcalf’s Add; NW SE s17, t4s, r5w.

Lavon D. Case to Girtha and Tammie Matheis. Lots 25 and 28 and W 1/2 Lots 26 and 27, Hackleman Add., Chrisney.

Mary Helen and Philip A. Brown to Kristi Brown (1/4 undivided interest) and Marty Brown (1/4 undivided interest). NW NE s12, t5s, r6w, 40 acres.

Richard A. and Debra L. Kasten to Marty Brown (1/4 undivided interest) and Kristi Brown (1/4 undivided interest). NW NE s12, t5s, r6w, 40 acres.

Wilma L. Brown, by Deborah L. Kasten (attorney-in-fact), to William R. Bates (1/4 undivided interest) and Kristin L. Bates (1/4 undivided interest). NW NE s12, t5s, r6w, 40 acres.

Donald L. Cissell and Jeanne A. Powers to Jimmy D. and Loyce V. Kulbeth. Lot 19, Polar Shores 4th Sub.

Scott A. Lanman to Gregory A. and Michelle A. Mauzey. Pt. Lots 51 and 52, James Hammonds Sub.

The Howard Gene and Shirley Rose Biehl Trust, by Shirley Rose Biehl (trustee), to Rodney Brown. Pt. SE SE s17, t4s, r5w, 1.06 acre (excepting 0.44 acre).

William C. Illingworth to Andrea and Joshua Utterback. N 1/2 s1, t8s, r7w, 7.35 acres, Rockport.

Noel Wayne Hudson (successor trustee), the Anita Ann Smith Trust, Noel Wayne Hudson, Brian Keith Hudson, Bret Lane Hudson and Daniel Gene Smith to Daniel Gene and Michelle Smith. SE NW s23, t7s, r7w, 40 acres; NE NW s21, t7s, r7w, 39.52 acres.

Shirley G. Ricklefs and Alicia G. Hawa to Spenser Fromme. Pt. SW SW s17, t4s, r5w, 0.224 acre; Pt. SW SW s17, t4s, r5w, 1.149 acre; Pt. NW SW s17, t4s, r5w, 0.509 acre.

Ronnie Pfingston to Bullseye Construction, LLC. Lots 43 and 44, Lake Realty Co. Add., Richland.

Mary A. Franklin to Jake Robert Philipps and Hayley Marie Borst. Lot 7, Vinton Woods, Rockport.

Edward W. Wilmes to John Bradley Ellsworth. Lot 18, Evergreen 10th, Santa Claus.

Robert D. and Anna L. Oxley to Anna L. and Robert D. Oxley, Jodi A. Fetter and Brian D. Oxley. Transfer on death deed. Pt. SW NE s34, t4s, r5w, 20 acres, Dale.

Mark Magill, Pamela Crowe, Faye Smith, Mary Fulkerson and Rachel Wilson to James Kevin and Mary Lou Fulkerson. Pt. NE s32, t6s, r5w, 27.24 acres.