Dubois County Real Estate Transfers – February 7, 2022


Tyler Allen and Breanna Rose Gehlhausen to Tyler Allen and Breanna Rose Gehlhausen. Pt. NE NE s14, t3s, r5w; Pt. SE NE s14, t3s, r5w.

Tyler Allen and Breanna Rose Gehlhausen to Tyler Allen and Breanna Rose Gehlhausen. Pt. NE NE s14, t3s, r5w; Pt. SE NE s14, t3s, r5w.

Eric and Theresa Hayes to Kyle A. Baseden. Pt. SE SE s28, t2s, r5w, 0.52 acre.

Sabra Real Estate, LLC to David Phillips. Lots 23 and 24 and E 1/2 Lot 22, St. Mary’s Add., Huntingburg.

Adam and Jennifer Martindale to Cesar A. Santamaria. Lot 83, Joseph Hasenours Third Add., Jasper.

Gail Yvonne Hurst, Linda Sue Holmes and Karen Marie Neu to Aymee Capote Gonzalez. Lot 105, Red Oak Estates II, Jasper.

Jeff A. and Megan S. Durlauf to Jeffrey A. and Megan S. Durlauf. Pt. SE SW s27, t2s, r4w, 1.119 acre, Huntingburg.

Gregory R. Birge to Christine A. Vaal. Survivorship affidavit. Lot 1, Meadowbrook Add.

Christine A. Vaal to Christine A. and Vincent L. Vaal. Lot 1, Meadowbrook Add.

Mathilda Kern to Michael Todd Richardson. Lots 28 and 29, Memorial Place.

Allan Foy to Matthew J. Bajorek. Lot 41, Brookstone Estates VI.

Martin A. and Sharon J. Gogel to Joshua K. Satterfield. Pt. Lot 19, Charles Niehaus First Add., with part of vacated alley.

Curtis E. and Cherryl A. Hall to Cuzco Auction House, LLC. Block 33, Nicholson’s Add., Pt. NE SE s34, t1n, r3w.

Keith and Elizabeth Helming to Marilyn S. Hagedorn. Lot 82, Krampe’s Add.

Dorothy Keller, by Christine M. Schnell (power of attorney), to Glenn Collon. Unit 402, Building D, The Oakes of Westfall Horizontal Property.

Gary L. Beadles to Brad Beadles and Gary L. Beadles. Lots 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28 and 29, Henry Eckert Place; six foot public alley running east and west north of lots 19, 20, 21 and 22; north six feet of a public alley running east and west south of Lot 27; and west six feet of a public alley running north and south east of Lot 27.

Andrew T. and Kinsey A. Weisman to Richard Neukam. Lot 24, Wind Song Estates, Jasper.

Alvaro A. Tobar Lopez to Olivia M. Songer. Pt. NW s34, t2s, r5w, Huntingburg.

Joan Harker, a/k/a Joan Freyberger and Berta Sue Dorsam to Evan F. Dorsam. Pt. SW NE s36, t2n, r5w, 24.510 acres.

The Estate of Russell Dorsam, by Kurt Dorsam (personal representative), to Evan F. Dorsam. Pt. SW NE s36, t1n, r5w, 24.510 acres.

Carla S. Hochgesang and Charles B. Marsh (deceased) to Tonya and Mark Kellems. Pt. NE s13, t2s, r3w, 10.41 acres.

Kopps Turkey Sales, Inc. to Zachary and Emily Leinenbach. Pt. SE SW s22, t1s, r5w, 2.00 acres.

The Estate of Joan A. Meyer, by Bruce A. Meyer (executor), to Cheryl L. Blackwell. Lot 8, Winingers Add.

Douglas G. Fleck to Jon A. Fleck. Pt. NE NW s31, t1s, r4w, 0.320 acre.

Douglas G. Fleck to Gregory K. and Connie M. Fleck. Pt. NE NW s31, t1s, r4w, 0.163 acre.

Daniel E. Reckelhoff to the Daniel E. Reckelhoff Irrevocable Trust, Steven W. Reckelhoff (trustee). Pt. SE NE s16, t2s, r4w, six acres; Pt. SE NE s16, t2s, r4w, 27.8 acres.

Bruce R. Terwiske to Pfaff Properties, LLC. E 1/2 NW s9, t2s, r5w, 0.5 acre; Pt. SE NW s9, t2s, r5w, two acres.

Terwiske Properties, LLC to Pfaff Properties, LLC. Lot 2 and Pt. Lots 1, 3 and 3, Corn’s Add.

Thomas Kleinhelter (Sheriff of Dubois County), Jeremy A. Foll and the United States Department of Agriculture to Go Fish Properties, LLC. Pt. SE SW s36, t1n, r5w, 1.08 acre, Jasper; Pt. SE SW s36, t1n, r5w, 1.10 acre.

Thomas Kleinhelter (Sheriff of Dubois County), Felix Calles and JP Morgan Mortgage Acquisition Corp. to Carpenter Rentals, LLC. Pt. NW NW s1, t2s, r5w, 0.38 acre, Jasper.

Thomas Kleinhelter (Sheriff of Dubois County), Specialized Loan Servicing LLC, and Ana and Oscar Aleman to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation. Lot 6 and N 1/2 Lot 5, Becher & Flick’s Add., Jasper.

Eric R. Olinger to Victoria M. Wiederkehr. Pt. SE NE s4, t3s, r5w, 0.759 acre.

Shipley Enterprises, Inc. to the City of Huntingburg. Pt. Inlot 7, Huntingburg.

Bernard H. Jr. and Marjorie Ann Jeffries to Sheila M. Roker, Natalie K. Combs, Gregory A. Jeffries and Nicole L. Schnell. Pt. NW SE s11, t2s, r4w, 0.66 acre.