Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – June 20, 2022


Christmas Lake Village Properties Association, Inc. to George M. Oswell. Lot 59, Polar Shores Add. 9th, Santa Claus.

Linda S. and Arthur C. Bolton to Darrell Waters. Lots 54, 55, 56 and 57, Lake Realty Co. Add.

Lindsay J. and Richard A. Rutherford to Jake A. and Jessica L. Hammers. Pt. s27, t7s, r6w, 5.955 acres.

Levi Schulz and Hunter Ferguson to Elijah L. Hufnagel. Lot 20, Lincoln Heights Part 1 Sub.

Thomas R. and Amanda J. Pulley to Levi Schulz and Hunter Ferguson. Pt. SW SW s17, t4s, r5w, 1.0 acre, Dale.

Robert A. Sr. and Rebecca A. Basham to Dillon Greene. NE s35, t7s, r7w, 0.70 acre.

Alvin W. and Linda Braun to Matthew W. and Cathie J. Gehlhausen. Lot 9, January 1st Sub.

Christmas Lake Village Properties Association, Inc. to Patrick Schnell, Scott Schnell and Elizabeth Schnell. Lot 146, Polar Shores Add. 9th, Santa Claus.

Clarence Wittman to Jonas E. Phillips (undivided 1/4 interest). SW SW s30, t5s, r3w, 50 acres, Evanston.

Janice L. Little to Matthew E. Little. Lots 1, 4 and 5 and Pt. Lot 8, Trinkle’s Add.