Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – August 29, 2022


Christine Olsen to Christopher E. Druen. Pt. SW NW s12, t6s, r6w.

Jerry Ronald Daniel to Danny Clair and Linda Anne Steen. Lot 8, Baumgaertners; Lots 1, 2 and 3, Williamsons Add.

Emily Kate Morgan to Todd and Samantha G. Hays. Pt. s27, t7s, r6w.

Ashley D. Nelson, f/k/a Ashley D. Fischer, to Derick and Jaqueline Morgan. S 1/2 SE s34, t6s, r7w.

John Bradley Ellsworth to David Pijut. Lot 37, Reindeer 7th Sub., Santa Claus.

Testamentary Spousal SNT Trust, by James A. Mullis and Cheryl L. Hanloh (trustees), to Brandon Hanloh. Pt. NW SE s34, t4s, r4w, 1.0 acre; Pt. SW s34, t4s, r4w, 2.0 acres, St. Meinrad.

Al Waninger Trucking Co., Inc. to North Spencer County School Corporation. N 1/2 NW s26, t5s, r6w, 4.254 acres, Chrisney.

Bullseye Construction, LLC to Ron Smith. Lots 23 and 24, Lake Realty Co. Add.

Tapp Motors, Inc. to Josephine Duke. Pt. Lot 89, Mosleys & Griffins Don.; Pt. SE s22, t7s, r6w, 1.405 acre; Pt. SE s22, t7s, r6w, 0.59 acre.