Spencer County Court News – May 23, 2023


Traffic & Other Citations (New)

Speeding: Queelyn C. Brown; Paul Goe; Janet Y. Duran; Colten W. Hopf; Randal A. Haas; Vinny D. Williams; Caroline G. Riddle; Jeffrey A. Tempel; Melissa A. Knight.

Failure to Provide Vehicle Registration: Steven R. Duran.

No Valid Driver’s License: Kitana J. Caesar.

Seatbelt Violation: Sophie Paeth; Clyde D. James.

Operating with Expired Plates: Ariel Romero Alonso; Lucia Kiaira Tomlinson.

Driving While Suspended: Lindsey M. Pfingston.

Learner’s Permit Violation: Elise Wagler.

Small Claims (New)

J&T Truck and Auto Parts, LLC vs the following: Paul Gogel Construction, LLC; Megan Guth; Seth Gogel; Donald Wedding, complaint.

Civil (New)

Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC vs the following: Blake Gogel; Leisa Coffey, civil collection.

Carla Romans vs Jarod C. Romans, domestic relations.

Larisa Zimina vs Dmitry Zimina, domestic relations.

Brandy Grant vs Michael Kisthardt, reciprocal support.

Criminal Misdemeanors (New)

State of Indiana vs the following:

Dylan E. Allen, knowingly or intentionally operating a motor vehicle without ever receiving a license.

Martin D. Cooper, possession of marijuana.

Garrett M. Freeman, interference with custody (conceals child in violation of court order).

Matthew Charles Fuller, operating a vehicle with an ACE of 0.15 or more; operating a vehicle while intoxicated endangering a person; operating a vehicle while intoxicated.

Danielle M. Wilson, possession of marijuana.

Michael J. Wilson, domestic battery.

Patrick Harman, possession of marijuana.

Jayne M. Wangler, domestic battery, disorderly conduct.

Alexander Ashbaugh, operating a vehicle with an ACE of 0.15 or more, operating a vehicle while intoxicated.

Criminal (New)

State of Indiana vs the following:

Janell K. Klem, non-support of a dependent child.

Probate (New)

In Re: the Supervised Estate of Eric J. Polster.

In Re: the Unsupervised Estate of Eric J. Polster.