Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – September 14, 2023


Shelby D. Brown to Erica L. Brown. Pt. E 1/2 NE SE s11, t6s, r6w, Chrisney.

Shelby D. Brown to Michelle C. Meyer. Pt. NE NW s12, t6s, r7w, one acre.

Audra B. Stewart to Brandon A. Garza. Pt. SW SW s31, t7s, r6w, 1.033 acres, Rockport.

Sheila Aldridge , Gerald , Kelvin and Michael Wiederkehr, Janice Wessel, Doris Niehaus and Barbara Kessens to Isaiah S. Phillips. Pt. NW NE s15, t4s, r4w, two acres, St. Meinrad.

Paul R. Fuller and Emily A. Carr to Jeffrey K. and Alysa A. Cohlmeyer. Lots 54 and 55, Reindeer 7th Sub.

Shawn R. and Kathleen A. Sweat to State of Indiana, Indiana Department of Transportation. Pt. NE s14, t6s, r4w, 0.025 acre.

Thomas and Terri Brockman to State of Indiana, Indiana Department of Transportation. Pt. SE SW s9, t6s, r4w, 0.039 acre.