Dubois County Real Estate Transfers – May 31, 2024


Rocio Anaya to Maipu Batista Santiesteb. Lot 4, North Brook Park, Bainbridge Twp.

Stanley J. and Robin L. Fowler to David W. and Grace M. Burger. Lot 9, Country Club Estates, Jasper.

David W. and Grace M. Burger to Aaron L. and Amber L. Miller. Lot 4, Joseph L. Hasenours Eighth Add., Jasper.

Jeffrey S. Brescher to Terri Lynn Berry. Lot 57, Northwest Suburban, Jasper.

Howard L. and Justin L. Neal to Alexzandra Hildenbrand and Evan Michel. Lot 12, Herman Heidorns Add., Huntingburg.

Rachelle L. Frank to Rachelle L. Hembree. NW NW s5, t2s, r3w, 40 acres; SW SW s32, t1s, r3w, 15.66 acres; Pt. SW SW s32, t1s, r3w, 6.82 acres.

Beverly J. Schnell to the Beverly J. Schnell Revocable Trust, Beverly J. Schnell, trustee. Lot 239 Badendorff VI, Jasper.

Thomas Family LLC to Gamma Jasper Property Holdings LLC. Lot 1, Hucks Place, Jasper.

Linda A. Schmitt Luegers to Durcholz Farms LLC. NE NE s22, t1s, r6w, 0.423 acre.

SSB Holdings LLC to Marvin Gene and Case J.  Eisenhut. Pt. SW NW s25, t2s, r3w, 0.35 acre.

Tracey D. Gudorf and Carol J. Neukam to Tracey D. Gudorf. Lot 24, Badendorff II 2nd Add., Bainbridge Twp.

Carl J. Cooper to Michael Gene and Rebecca Ann Chapman. N 1/2 s12, t1s, r4w, 1.18 acres, Dubois.

LEL Family LLC to David D. Loehr. N 1/2 NW SW s11, t3s, r6w, 19.41 acres, Holland.

Marcus D. Wright to Ethan Goepferich. Pt. NW NW s27, t2s, r3w, 10.00 acres, Birdseye.

Paige M. Investments LLC to Miguel A. and Sonia B. Dubon. Pt. NE s34, t2s, r5w, Huntingburg.

Alma Ann Kreilein by Kurt Kreilein, power of attorney, to Roni J. Barker. Pt. NE NE s7, t2s, r4w, 0.87 acre; Pt. NE NE s7, t2s, r4w, 0.355 acre.

David D. Loehr to Matthew D. Loehr. N 1/2 NW SW s11, t3s, r6w, 19.41 acres, Holland.

Tyler Mehringer to Tucker Schank and Brianna Mehringer. Pt. NW SW s34, t1s, r5w, 1.0 acre.

TRS Land Development Inc. to Christopher and Kendra Schuck. Lot 1, Timber Ridge Estate IV, Bainbridge Twp.

Jerry L. and Ruth M. Fenneman to Windmill Hill LLC. Pt. SW SW s24, t3s, r6w; W 1/2 NE s22, t3s, r6w, 80 acres; NW NE s7, t3s, r5w, 40 acres; W 1/2 SW s13, t3s, r6w, 40.432 acres.

Estate of Karen Sue Hess by Tyler Allen Gehlhausen and Amanda Rose McCallister, personal representatives, to Tyler Allen Gehlhausen. Pt. NE NE s14, t3s, r5w, 0.23 acre.

Kurtis M. and Nicole V. Overpeck to Gavin T. Pierce and Meredith G. Heim. Pt. Inlots 36 and 37, Huntingburg.

Richard Craney to Phyllis Craney. Pt. NW s28, t1s, r5w, 1.0 acre.

Ethan and Jenna R. Merkel to the William R. Diekmann and Susan M. Diekmann Revocable Living Trust, William R. and Susan M. Diekmann, trustees. Lot 52, Terrace Heights Add., Bainbridge Twp.