Passing the Torch at Luce Elementary’s Fire Prevention Week


By Don Steen ~ Staff Writer •

Luce Elementary School observed Fire Prevention Day last Wednesday, an annual event aimed at teaching students how to respond to a house fire or other emergencies. This year’s event was bittersweet, as it represented something of a passing of the torch. 

For decades now, Luce Fire Territory has taken charge of these annual lessons. For as long as many can remember, Fire Captain Mark Frederick was the friendly, familiar face of fire prevention at the school. Even his son, Kurtis, could recall seeing his dad show off the tools of the trade back in the day.

“When I was in Pre-K he’d come and talk to my class,” he said. 

Mark passed away September 6, after a long career in firefighting. He retired from Alcoa after 38 years of service and was a member of the Alcoa Fire Brigade. In addition to Luce Fire Territory, Mark was also a member of Ohio Township Volunteer Fire Department in Newburgh. Through it all, he always made time to visit Luce Elementary for Fire Prevention Week.

Kurtis and his family are very much keeping his legacy alive. Joined by his fellow firefighters, Kurtis took point in this year’s fire-safety lessons. The rest of the Frederick Family even pitched in to honor Mark’s memory. 

Kurtis’ daughter, Paige, is a fifth grader at Luce Elementary. She presented her father with a plaque celebrating Mark’s many years of support for the school. Also present were Kori and Levi, Kurtis’ wife and young son. 

Luce Elementary Principal Trent Martin was glad that the tradition of Fire Prevention Week could be passed so seamlessly down the generations. He emphasized that Mark was a fixture of the community, and that the school was glad to have the opportunity to honor him in this way.

With the ceremonies concluded, Luce Firefighters kicked things into high gear. Kurtis began by demonstrating some basics of what a child should do if they hear a fire alarm. A door and window were set up in the gym, allowing students to recognize the most important aspects of any room in that situation. 

Read more on this story in this week’s issue of the Spencer County Leader!

Featured Image: The Luce Fire Territory poses for a photo-op with the Pre-K class at Luce Elementary

Various pictures from Fire Prevention Day at Luce Elementary


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