Court News: November 8, 2019


Traffic and Other Citations

Speeding: Salat Hussein; Raven Wall; Kimberly Hurt; Cori Schaeffer; Rivelino Serin; Otis Haynes; Bernadette Eve, $147; Lauren Davis; Kiara Harris; Cody Smith; James Johnson; Kenneth Ralph; Cody Smith, $157. 

Operating With Expired Plates: Jonathan Schweizer; Jason Grimes, $137.

Speeding / Driving While Suspended: Brian Ingle, $148.50.

No Valid Driver’s License: Bryan Horn, $162.

Disregarding Stop Sign: Alberto Lopez, $147.

Seatbelt Violation: Walker Rogier, $25.

Speeding in a School Zone: Brooklynn Attebury, $147.

Small Claims

Whitney Ward vs Holly James, dismissed with prejudice.

Victor Kleeman vs Scott Wardrip, order of eviction.

Billy Stewart vs Crystal Cravens, judgment for defendant.

Civil (New Suits)

Midland Funding, LLC vs the following: Vanessa Oldham; Matthew Moll, civil collection.

Discover Bank c/o Discover Products vs the following: Brian Harlen; Scot C. Elliott, civil collection.

In Re: The Guardianship of Minor Child; Chris and Krista Hurley (guardians), Heather M. and Derrick Meredith (natural parents).

In Re: The Guardianship of Minor Child; Deborah and Marlin Hayse (guardians), Candice Tyda and Justin Hayse (natural parents).

Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance vs Interline Brands, Inc. and Home Depot U.S.A., Inc., civil plenary.

Ambus Properties, LLC vs Allie Pike, civil plenary.

Cavalry SPV I, LLC vs Myra J. Stanley, civil collection.

Mariner Finance, LLC vs the following: Cassie Bender; Lydia J. Gentry, civil collection.

LVNV Funding, LLC vs Pamela Guidry, civil collection.

Housing Authority of the City of Rockport vs Holli Goffinet, civil plenary.

Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC vs Brock Smith, civil collection.

Cary Conner vs Deborah Conner, domestic relations.


Cavalry SPV I, LLC as assignee of Synchrony Bank vs Thomas Lathery, judgment for plaintiff, $3,064.56 plus court costs.

Criminal Misdemeanors (New Suits)

State of Indiana vs the following:

Lanna K. Turner, reckless driving.

Vicente Flores Contreras, operating a motor vehicle without ever receiving a license, passing stopped school bus when arm signal is extended.

Charles W. Bowers, check deception.

Kayla Kiper, check deception.

Gabriel J. Recinos, possession of marijuana.

Jennifer L. Mays, operating a vehicle while intoxicated, endangering a person; operating a vehicle while intoxicated.

Brandon M. Sadler, possession of marijuana, possession of paraphernalia.

Criminal Misdemeanors 

State of Indiana vs the following:

Steven Roth Kebortz, dismissed without prejudice.

Paul R. Fuller, dismissed.

James Flaherty, found guilty of operating a vehicle while intoxicated, endangering a person, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 363 days in Spencer County Law Enforcement Center, all suspended to supervised probation, submit to alcohol/drug evaluation and comply with all treatment recommendations, attend Victim Impact Panel, pay fines and costs.

Criminal (New Suits)

State of Indiana vs the following:

Leigha Burdin, miscellaneous criminal.

Jonathon W. Emerson, domestic battery.

Jace J. Goepferich, domestic battery resulting in moderate bodily injury, intimidation, disorderly conduct.

Rodney A. Dukes, criminal confinement, domestic battery resulting in moderate bodily injury (two counts), intimidation.


State of Indiana vs the following:

Nicole Lloyd, found guilty of burglary, level 5 felony; sentenced to four years in Indiana Department of Correction, with one year to serve and three years suspended to supervised probation, submit to alcohol/drug evaluation and comply with all treatment recommendations, pay fines and costs.

Mickey Cundiff, found guilty of possession of methamphetamine, level 6 felony; sentenced to 365 days in SCLEC, all suspended to supervised probation, submit to alcohol/drug evaluation and comply with all treatment recommendations, pay fines and costs.

Spencer County

real estate transfers

Nicholas Dalton Majors to William M. Ashby, II. Lots 79 and 80, Town of Chrisney.

Norman E. Wilmes to Jody W. Wilmes. Pt. S 1/2 NE SE s11, t5s, r4w, 8.50 acres.

Ethan and Tessie Myres to Audra Duncan and Michael Hill. Lot 3, Reo Ranchero Sub., Rockport.

Edith Jackson, by Susan Riffle (attorney-in-fact), to Jerry Garmon. Lots 15, 16 and 17, Purcell Add.

Frederick B. Fulkerson, Sharon G. Fulks, Bertie Jo Ayer, Daniel B. Fulkerson, Norbert A. Fulkerson, Richard T. Fulkerson, Jeffrey Lynn Fulkerson and Michael J. Fulkerson to Spencer K. Riney. Pt. NE NE s31, t7s, r6w, 3.00 acres.

Joe Bill and Angela Fischer to John A. and Jennie L. Thomas. Lot 7, Gills Sub., Grandview.

Ivan H. and Micki L. Kuehn to Lee Ann Heilman. NE s9, t8s, r7w, 0.193 acre; NE s9, t8s, r7w, 0.234 acre.