Dubois County Court News- August 25, 2020



Speeding: Constance P. Emmons; Bernadette M. Eve; Harold E. Kempf; Haley J. Schnuck, $141.

Driving While Suspended: Lindsey N. Schaeffer; Eric L. Petry; Natalie A. Robling; Benjamin A. McCraney, $141.

Child Restraint System Violation: Kenia L. Ramos, $25.

Operating With Expired Plates: Lloyd J. Carpenter, $141.

Seatbelt Violation: Tanner A. Beckman, $25.

Operating Motor Vehicle Without Financial Responsibility: Anastasia M. Cunningham, $141.

Disregarding Lighted Signal: John M. Divine, $141.

Disregarding Automatic Signal: William J. Alegria, dismissed.

New Suits

Blair Ragains vs Casey Litherland and Progressive Southeastern Insurance Company, civil tort.

OneMain Financial Group, LLC vs Jeriamie Campbell, civil collection.

Kelli R. Willis vs Dustin L. Willis, domestic relations.

Alan Houchin vs Sonia Houchin, domestic relations.

Cavalry SPV I, LLC vs Rusty Long, civil collection.

Crown Asset Management, LLC vs Julie Sander, civil collection.

Midland Credit Management, Inc. vs Jamie Hollinden, civil collection.

Citibank, N.A. vs Terry Hanselman, civil collection.

Circuit Civil

Brittany Curry vs Rashaun Curry, marriage dissolved.

Steven Wiseman vs Amber Henson, dismissed.

Timothy J. Bolton vs Alicia M. Bolton, dismissed.

Guadalupe A. Garcia vs Santos Ramirez Morales, marriage dissolved.

Midland Credit Management, Inc. vs Leticia Gameros, judgment for plaintiff, $1,100.12.

Springs Valley Bank & Trust Co. vs Necita J. and Thomas E. Apple, Treasurer of Dubois County, Procol Inc., Razor Capital LLC, and City of Jasper, judgment for plaintiff and decree of foreclosure, $123,612.12 plus interest.

Charles H. Allstott vs Carl L. Eckert, dismissed.

Circuit Criminal

State of Indiana vs the following:

Joshua Palmer, pled guilty to attempted rape, level 3 felony; sentenced to seven years in Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC), no contact with victim, register as sex or violent offender, pay fines and costs.

Lisa M. Birthmark, dismissed.

Luis Garcia Risquet, dismissed.

Calvin L. Mattingly, pled guilty to unlawful possession of a firearm by a serious violent offender, level 4 felony; sentenced to five years in IDOC, with credit for two days served and one day good time credit, remaining time suspended to 1,822 days supervised probation, pay fines and costs.

Jaden J. Lankford, pled guilty to failure to return to lawful detention, level 6 felony; sentenced to 550 days in IDOC, complete IDOC therapeutic community (after which court may consider modifying sentence), pay fines and costs.

Rushine Moore, pled guilty to failure to make a report, class B misdemeanor; sentenced to 180 days in Dubois County Security Center (DCSC), all suspended to 180 days supervised probation, follow recommendations of Department of Child Services, pay fines and costs.

Superior Civil

Kimball Electronics Indianapolis, Inc. vs ATMF, Inc., dismissed.

Citibank, N.A. vs Shanna L. Wyatt, judgment for plaintiff, $9,290.06 plus costs.

Superior Criminal

State of Indiana vs the following:

Chase A. Clark, pled guilty to dealing in marijuana, level 6 felony; sentenced to 308 days in DCSC, with credit for four days credit, leaving 60 days to serve on work release (30 days if good time credit is earned) and remaining 240 days to serve on home detention with GPS monitoring (120 days if good time credit is earned), shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to random alcohol/drug screenings, pay fines and costs.

Daman W. Matheis, pled guilty to possession of a controlled substance (count 1) and operating a vehicle while intoxicated (count 3), both class A misdemeanors; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC in each count, to run concurrently and with credit for one day served, remaining time suspended to 363 days supervised probation, 80 hours community service, contact court alcohol and drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, driver’s license suspended 90 days, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screenings, pay fines and costs.

Kathryn J. Hammond, dismissed with prejudice.

Edgar Alfonso Ramos, pled guilty to operating a vehicle with an ACE of 0.15 or more, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC, with credit for time served, leaving 361 days to serve on home detention with GPS monitoring, contact court drug and alcohol program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, driver’s license suspended 365 days, pay fines and costs.

Cheyenna S. Kemp, pled guilty to theft, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 120 days in DCSC, to be served on home detention with GPS monitoring, contact court alcohol and drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screenings, shall not trespass at Jasper Walmart, pay fines and costs.

Mason C. Boone, pled guilty to operating a motorboat while intoxicated, class C misdemeanor; sentenced to 60 days in DCSC, with credit for two days served, remaining time suspended to 176 days unsupervised probation, driver’s license suspended 32 days, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screenings, pay fines and costs.

Garrett E. Gilmour, pled guilty to operating while intoxicated, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC, with credit for one day served, remaining time suspended to 363 days supervised probation to be transferred to Johnson County, 40 hours community service, contact court alcohol and drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, driver’s license suspended 90 days, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to random alcohol/drug screenings, pay fines and costs.

Andrew M. Jones, pled guilty to operating a vehicle after being a habitual traffic offender (count 1), level 6 felony, and possession of a controlled substance (count 2), class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 732 days in IDOC in count 1 and 365 days in count 3, to run concurrently and with credit for two days served, remaining time to serve on 730 days home detention with GPS monitoring, driver’s license suspended 365 days, pay fines and costs.

Joshua E. Johnson, pled guilty to possession of marijuana (count 1), class B misdemeanor, and possession of paraphernalia (count 2), class C misdemeanor; sentenced to 180 days in DCSC in count 1 and 60 days in count 2, to run concurrently, all suspended to 365 days supervised probation to be transferred to Warrick County, 40 hours community service, contact court alcohol and drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screenings, pay fines and costs.

Robert E. Warne, pled guilty to theft (count 2), class A misdemeanor, and unauthorized entry of a motor vehicle (count 6), class B misdemeanor; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC in count 2 and 180 days in count 6, to run consecutively and with credit for five days served, remaining time suspended to 535 days supervised probation to be transferred to Daviess County, 80 hours community service, shall not trespass at Sternberg International or Ruxer Ford and pay restitution to both, pay fines and costs.

Jason K. Byers, pled guilty to resisting law enforcement (count 1), level 6 felony; operating a vehicle as an habitual traffic violator (count 2), level 6 felony; and operating a vehicle while intoxicated, endangering a person (count 5), class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 608 days in DCSC in count 1, 608 days in count 2 and 365 days in count 5, to run concurrently and with credit for time served, leaving 240 days to serve on work release and 360 days suspended to supervised probation, contact court alcohol and drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screenings, driver’s license suspended 365 days, pay fines and costs.

Samuel J. Hertel, pled guilty to operating a vehicle with an ACE of 0.08 or more, class C misdemeanor; sentenced to 60 days in DCSC, with credit for 10 days served, remaining time suspended to 180 days supervised probation, contact court alcohol and drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, driver’s license suspended 90 days, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screenings, pay fines and costs.

Small Claims (New)

A&B Housing, LLC vs Nicole Lloyd, eviction.

Stork Place Apartments vs Stephanie Cockerham, complaint.

Huntingburg Machine Works vs the following: Emily Bayer; Tammy Wilson, complaint.

Gasser Electric vs Mathew Toomire, complaint.

Full-O-Pep vs the following: Cody Christensen; Michael Patterson; Breanna Christmon, complaint.

Hoosier Accounts Service vs the following: Julie C. Ferguson; Kindra B. Thewes; Heather A. Breeding; Stacy L. Kotsko, complaint.

Richard L. Reckelhoff, d/b/a Reckelhoff Rental Units, vs Elizabeth Gordon, complaint.

Stephanie Taylor vs Mark Taylor, complaint.

S&S Corporation vs David V. Meyer, complaint.

Promising Properties, LLC vs the following: Cassandra Schneider and Craig Freeman, complaint; Sue Pettofrezzo and Jared Wilmes, complaint.

Medical of Dubois vs Zachary T. Lemmer, complaint.

Laake Rentals, LLC vs Duane Neukam, complaint.

A&L Properties, LP vs Adam Woodcox, eviction.

Fountain View Estates vs Oscar Flores, complaint.

Mill Creek Apartments vs Zachary Lemmer, complaint.

Jasper Properties, LLC, d/b/a CC Commons, vs Angel J. Reyes, complaint.

Barmor vs Gabriela Luna, complaint.

St. Anthony Mill vs Kevin Brown Farm, complaint.

Small Claims

Jonathan W. and Tina Hasenour vs Robert Schuler, judgment for plaintiffs, $600.

Medical & Professional Collection Services, Inc. vs the following: Katie Marie Harrison, judgment for plaintiff, $3,465.11; Joseph A. Yates, judgment for plaintiff, $3,148.03; Bruce Lee Hill, judgment for plaintiff, $1,328.79.

Medical of Dubois vs Eder V. Ferreras, dismissed.

Hoosier Accounts Service vs Christina L. Houchins, judgment for plaintiff, $6,110.87.

Organ Law Offices, P.C. vs Sarah Angerer, judgment for plaintiff, $343.93.

Indy Leasing, LLC vs Amber Kline and Michael Patterson, dismissed.