Dubois County Court News- August 4, 2020



No Valid Driver’s License: Michelle A. Pratte, $141.

Speeding: Nicholas Hyndman; Jordan R. Bender; Henry J. Sandoval, Jr.; Michael B. Perry; Ryan T. Shipley; Christine E. Hall; Benjamin M. Hettler; Bryan N. Sanders; Jade E. Mundy; Shannon D. Bender; Calvin M. Forrest; Brianna C. Bonifer, $141.

Operating With Expired Plates: Edward J. Altman, $141.

Seatbelt Violation: Henry J. Sandoval, Jr., $25.

False or Fictitious Registration: Brandy M. Johnson, $141.

Failure to Yield Right-of-Way: Teresa L. Layman; Samantha A. Love, $141.

Operating Motor Vehicle Without Financial Responsibility: Johnny R. Evans, $141.

Driving Left of Center: Timothy R. Elliott, $141.

Unsafe Lane Movement: John Wayne Rudy, $141.

New Suits

Professional Financial Services vs Ginger and Jacob Brewster, civil collection.

Cavalry SPV I, LLC vs Alejandro Hernandez, civil collection.

LVNV Funding, LLC vs Laura Stafford, civil collection.

Professional & Business Collections, LLC vs Angie Carrico, civil collection.

Unifund CCR, LLC vs Vicky Mehringer, civil collection.

Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC vs Travis Edwards, civil collection.

Eileen M. Meyer vs Robert L. Meyer, domestic relations.

Nathan Reckelhoff vs April Reckelhoff, domestic relations.

Midland Credit Management, Inc. vs Belinda Ayala, civil collection.

Kasey R. Mullins vs Chance T. Mullins, domestic relations.

Alyssa B. Duran vs Jose V. Duran, domestic relations.

Circuit Civil

OneMain Financial Group, LLC, as successor by merger to OneMain Financial of Indiana, Inc., vs Yaquelin Risquet, judgment for plaintiff, $10,993.91 plus court costs.

OneMain Financial Group, LLC, as successor by merger to OneMain Financial of Indiana, Inc., as servicer Wilmington Trust, N.A., as Issuer Loan Trustee for Springleaf Funding Trust 2015-B, vs Matthew E. Larson, judgment for plaintiff, $9,349.34 plus court costs.

Natalie Anne McGiffen vs Luke Alan McGiffen, marriage dissolved.

Chastity Lynne Broeker vs Neil David Broeker, marriage dissolved.

Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC vs Jennifer Lents, default judgment for plaintiff, $8,741.86.

Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance, a/s/o Matthew Balton, vs Wesley Potts, default judgment for plaintiff, $3,517.92.

Circuit Criminal

State of Indiana vs the following:

David E. Wall, dismissed.

Dustin J. Jones, pled guilty to domestic battery (count 1), level 5 felony, and strangulation (count 2), level 6 felony; sentenced to 1,095 days in Dubois County Security Center (DCSC) in count 1 and 365 days in count 2, to run concurrently and with credit or 52 days served and 17 days good time credit, leaving 550 days suspended to supervised probation and remainder to serve on work release, shall not possess or purchase any firearm or other dangerous/deadly weapon, enroll in and complete Batterer’s Intervention Program, undergo substance abuse evaluation and comply with all treatment recommendations, no contact with victim, pay fines and costs; also pled guilty to invasion of privacy, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC, all suspended to 365 days supervised probation, pay fines and costs.

Ty Keusch, pled guilty to possession of marijuana, class B misdemeanor; sentenced to 180 days in DCSC, all suspended to 180 days supervised probation, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, undergo substance abuse evaluation and comply with all treatment recommendations, pay fines and costs.

Jennifer Racicot, pled guilty to domestic battery, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC, with credit for one day served and one day good time credit, remaining time suspended to 363 days supervised probation, undergo substance abuse evaluation and comply with all treatment recommendations, enroll in and complete Batterer’s Intervention Program, pay fines and costs.

Jessica L. Smith, pled guilty to intimidation, level 6 felony; sentenced to 730 days in DCSC, all suspended to 730 days supervised probation, no contact with Wendy Sutherlin, pay fines and costs.

Walter M. Delgado, pled guilty to domestic battery with bodily injury to a pregnant woman, level 5 felony; sentenced to time served in DCSC; also pled guilty to sexual misconduct with a minor (count 1), level 5 felony, and impersonation of a public servant (count 4), level 6 felony; sentenced to time served in DCSC, register as a sex or violent offender.

Kevin L. Catt, pled guilty to invasion of privacy, level 6 felony; sentenced to 180 days in DCSC, with credit for three days served and three days good time credit, remaining time suspended to 174 days probation, no contact with Chandra Foster other than legitimate text messages concerning child, pay fines and costs.

Superior Civil

OneMain Financial Group, LLC vs Jesse A. Breyette, default judgment for plaintiff, $9,859.90 plus court costs.

Synchrony Bank vs Michael Wanjala, dismissed.

Cavalry SPV I, LLC vs Darin Cummins, dismissed.

Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC vs Steve Schnarr, dismissed.

LVNV Funding, LLC vs Teresa Larue, dismissed.

Discover Bank vs Cheryl Alston, dismissed.

Nanette D. Kern vs Albert J. Kern, marriage dissolved.

Superior Criminal

State of Indiana vs the following:

Michael A. Cardarelli, pled guilty to auto theft, level 6 felony; sentenced to one year in DCSC, pay restitution to victim, pay fines and costs.

Ryan T. McRoberts, pled guilty to public intoxication (count 1) and leaving the scene of an accident (count 2), both class B misdemeanors; sentenced to 140 days in DCSC in each count, to run concurrently and with credit for time served (making sentence complete), no contact with victims or their property, pay fines and costs.

Terrance L. Holt, pled guilty to theft, level 6 felony; sentenced to 540 days in DCSC, with credit for time served, leaving 508 days to serve on work release, shall not trespass at Jasper Walmart and pay $816.94 in restitution to same, pay fines and costs.

Monica M. Cruz, pled guilty to theft, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC, all suspended to 365 days supervised probation, 40 hours community service, shall not trespass at Jasper Walmart, pay fines and costs.

Jeremy D. Smith, pled guilty to possession of methamphetamine, level 6 felony; sentenced to 730 days in Indiana Department of Correction, to serve on work release at Dubois Co. Community Corrections, contact court alcohol and drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, pay fines and costs; also pled guilty to operating a vehicle while intoxicated, endangering a person, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 228 days in IDOC, with credit for 228 days served (making sentence complete), driver’s license suspended 425 days, pay restitution to Dubois REC in the amount of $884.27, pay fines and costs.

Rafael A. Truyenque Alfaro, pled guilty to operating a vehicle with ACE of 0.15 or more (count 3), class A misdemeanor, and leaving the scene of an accident (count 4), class B misdemeanor; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC in count 3 and 180 days in count 4, to run concurrently, all to serve on home detention with GPS monitoring, contact court alcohol and drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, no contact with victim and pay restitution to same, driver’s license suspended for 365 days, pay fines and costs.

Gabriel J. Recinos, pled guilty to dealing in marijuana (count 1), level 6 felony, and possession of paraphernalia (count 4), class C misdemeanor; sentenced to 540 days in DCSC in count 1 and 60 days in count 4, to run concurrently and with credit for 32 days served, leaving 28 days (14 days if good time credit is earned) to serve and 360 days to serve on home detention with GPS monitoring, 120 days suspended to supervised probation, contact court alcohol and drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, pay fines and costs.

Kenneth L. Edwards, pled guilty to neglect of a dependent (count 1) and operating a vehicle with an ACE of 0.15 or more with passengers less than 18 years of age (count 4), both level 6 felonies; sentenced to 734 days in DCSC in each count, with defendant to serve one year on work release and one year on home detention with GPS monitoring, contact court alcohol and drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, driver’s license suspended 365 days, pay fines and costs.

Tina M. Strohmeyer, dismissed with prejudice.

Torey A. Houchin, pled guilty to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated (count 3), class A misdemeanor, and two counts of leaving the scene of an accident (counts 4 and 5), both class B misdemeanors; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC and 180 days in each of counts 4 and 5, to run concurrently and with credit for one day served, remaining time suspended to 363 days supervised probation, 80 hours community service, contact court alcohol and drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, driver’s license suspended 300 days (30 days full suspension, 270 days specialized driving privileges), pay restitution to Felicia Soto and Neil and Chelsey Hopf if any is due and have no contact with same, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screenings, pay fines and costs.

Levi W. Messmer, pled guilty to operating while intoxicated (count 4), class A misdemeanor; possession of marijuana (count 6), class B misdemeanor; and possession of paraphernalia (count 7), class C misdemeanor; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC in count 4, 180 days in count 6 and 60 days in count 7, to run concurrently and with credit for one day served, remaining time suspended to 363 days supervised probation, 80 hours community service, contact court alcohol and drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, driver’s license suspended 210 days (30 days full suspension, 180 days specialized driving privileges), shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screenings, pay fines and costs.

Jesse B. Reed, Jr., pled guilty to possession of methamphetamine, level 6 felony; sentenced to 364 days in DCSC, with credit for two days served, remaining time suspended to 360 days supervised probation, 40 hours community service, contact court alcohol/drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screenings, pay fines and costs.

Robert J. Schlachter, pled guilty to operating a motor vehicle after forfeiture of license for life (count 1), level 5 felony, and operating a vehicle while intoxicated, endangering a person (count 3), class A misdemeanor; sentenced to four years in IDOC in count 1 and 365 days in DCSC in count 3, to run concurrently and with credit for 26 days served, leaving 1,424 days to serve on work release, driver’s license suspended 1,095 days, attend and complete court drug and alcohol program and any recommended treatment, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random drug/alcohol screenings, pay fines and costs.

Elijah J. Eckert, dismissed with prejudice.

William R. Donnelly III, pled guilty to operating while intoxicated, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC, with credit for one day served, remaining time suspended to 363 days supervised probation to be transferred to Vanderburgh County, 40 hours community service, contact court alcohol and drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, driver’s license suspended 90 days, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screenings, pay fines and costs.

Jessica L. Smith, pled guilty to possession of marijuana (count 1) and possession of paraphernalia (count 2), both class A misdemeanors; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC in each count, to run concurrently, with defendant to serve entire sentence on home detention with GPS monitoring, contact court alcohol and drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, pay fines and costs.

Jaymin C. Coleman, pled guilty to disorderly conduct, class B misdemeanor; sentenced to 180 days in DCSC, with credit for time served, leaving 176 days (88 days if good time credit is earned) to serve on home detention with GPS monitoring, contact court alcohol and drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, pay fines and costs.

Thelma J. Hall, pled guilty to possession of a narcotic drug (count 1) and unlawful possession of a syringe (count 2), both level 6 felonies; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC in each count, to run concurrently and with credit for three days served, remaining time suspended to 359 days supervised probation to be transferred to Allen County, contact court alcohol and drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screenings, pay fines and costs.

Small Claims (New)

Preston Roe vs Robin Dillard, eviction.

Hoosier Accounts Service vs the following: Jason A. Butler; Tasha M. Gehlhausen; Brian J. Callahan, Sr.; Aaron R. Peters, complaint.

Helen Breitweiser vs Tina Mattingly, complaint.

Indy Leasing, LLC vs Amber Kline and Michael Patterson, complaint.

Promising Properties, LLC vs Amy Brown, complaint.

Medical & Professional Collection Services, Inc. vs the following: Joseph A. Yates; Katie Marie Harrison; Bruce Lee Hill, complaint.

Connie Thewes vs Austin Wright and All Occupants, eviction.

Charles Kruger vs Willie Burnett Schmidt and All Occupants, eviction.

Ruth L. Smith and James D. Meyer vs Matt and Jessica Lewandowski, complaint.

Small Claims

Rent-A-Center vs the following: Marvin Matherly, judgment for plaintiff, $1,500; Jasmine Jones, judgment for plaintiff, $1,500.

Medical of Dubois vs the following: Chloe M. Sibrel, judgment for plaintiff, $378.89; Kayla M. Rhoads, judgment for plaintiff, $395.54; Dillon J. Stone, judgment for plaintiff, $364.19.

Jasper Municipal Utilities vs Miranda N. Mehringer, judgment for plaintiff, $337.81.

Allstar Cash Advance vs Erica Webb, dismissed.

Hoosier Accounts Service vs Samantha F. Sander, dismissed.

Organ Law Offices, P.C. vs Susan Hinton, judgment for plaintiff, $1,317.55.