Dubois County Court News – March 15, 2022



Operating With Expired Plates: Nichole S. Lamb; Jill S. Sollman; Kristopher H. Gunn, $141. 

Driving While Suspended: Anthony S. Wilson; Shannon R. Palmer, $141. 

Speeding: Lesley M. McDowell; Chance E. Windham; Virginia S. Richey; Eric R. Johnson; Zachary D. Moesner; Patrick K. Sullivan; Christopher A. Cassidy, $141. 

No Valid Driver’s License: Amy M. Swaim, $141. 

Unsafe Start: Emilio Juan Flores, $141. 

Operating Motor Vehicle With False Plate: Steven L. Bradley, $141. 

Seatbelt Violation: Gary J. Saylor; Ray F. Weisenbach; Maggie K. Pritchard, $25. 

Passing Stopped School Bus: Grace E. Bartley; Mila S. Petry, $141. 

Disregarding Stop Sign: Jennifer J. Ramos, $141. 

Operating Motor Vehicle Without Financial Responsibility: David S. Luker, $141. 

Driving Left of Center: Brian D. Collins, $141. 

Failure to Yield Right-of-Way: Jaylynn C. Capehart, $141. 

New Suits

Roger D. Clark vs Amy N. Clark, domestic relations. 

Haley Werner vs Noah Werner, domestic relations.

Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC vs Daimy Delgadopuentes, civil collection.

Paul Jason Denton vs Jessica Nicole Denton, domestic relations. 

Circuit Civil

Noemi Angela Rocha vs Gregorio Torres Rocha, dismissed. 

Jessica D. McDaniel vs John A. McDaniel, marriage dissolved. 

Stephanie Huffman vs Brett Huffman, marriage dissolved. 

Brooke M. Gladish vs Joshua S. Gladish, marriage dissolved. 

Circuit Criminal

State of Indiana vs the following:

James Medley, pled guilty to battery, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 364 days in Dubois County Security Center (DCSC), with credit for one day served and one day good time credit, remaining time suspended to 362 days supervised probation, pay $4,027.93 in restitution to victim, no contact with Arnulfo Moran Bernales, shall not trespass at Miranda’s Restaurant, pay fines and costs.

Antonio Mota Espinoza, pled guilty to attempt to commit robbery, level 5 felony; sentenced to 365 days in the Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC), with credit for 106 days served and 35 days good time credit, pay fines and costs, sentence to run consecutively with another cause. 

Gina Marie Kieffner, pled guilty to aggravated battery, level 3 felony; sentenced to eight years in IDOC, with credit for nine days served, remaining time suspended to 2,911 days supervised probation (to be served on home detention with GPS monitoring), shall not possess or use any firearm or other dangerous or deadly weapon, undergo clinical assessment through Lifespring Health Systems  and comply with all treatment recommendations, pay $5,110.14 in restitution to victim, pay fines and costs.

Roberto Escarcega Medrano, pled guilty to domestic battery resulting in moderate bodily injury (count 1) and intimidation (count 2), both level 6 felonies; sentenced to 540 days in DCSC in each count, to run concurrently and with credit for two days served and two days good time credit, remaining time suspended to 536 days supervised probation, undergo clinical assessment through state-certified mental health provider and comply with all treatment recommendations, enroll in and complete Batterers Intervention Program through Crisis Connection, pay fines and costs, sentence to run consecutively with another cause.

Superior Criminal

State of Indiana vs the following:

Jason Paul Steckler, pled guilty to operating a vehicle while intoxicated (count 1), class C misdemeanor, and possession of a device or substance used to interfere with a drug or alcohol screening (count 4), class B misdemeanor; sentenced to 60 days in DCSC in count 4 and 180 days in count 1, to run concurrently and with credit for time served, remaining time suspended to 357 days supervised probation, driver’s license suspended 90 days, pay fines and costs. 

Marvin J. Schwartz, pled guilty to operating a vehicle while intoxicated, level 6 felony; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC, with credit for two days served, remaining time suspended to 361 days supervised probation, obtain drug/alcohol assessment and comply with all treatment recommendations, driver’s license suspended 240 days, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screenings, pay fines and costs, sentence to run consecutively with another cause. 

Joshua R. Cummins, pled guilty to disorderly conduct, class B misdemeanor; sentenced to 10 days in DCSC, pay fines and costs. 

Bethany Lents, pled guilty to minor consuming alcohol, class C misdemeanor; sentenced to four days in DCSC, with credit for time served (making sentence complete), pay fines and costs. 

Small Claims (New)

Badendorff Arms Apts. vs Paul Adams, eviction.

Diana Rothrock vs Alejandra Mora, eviction.

Jayme Street vs Gail Matheis, eviction. 

Small Claims

Hoosier Accounts Service vs the following: Marsha S. Jones, dismissed; Robert A. Brown, dismissed; Katrina E. Morgan, dismissed; Yonluy Alejo, default judgment for plaintiff, $1,326.76 plus costs and interest; Tracy L. Renner, default judgment for plaintiff, $4,354.79 plus costs and interest.

Medical of Dubois vs Kellie R. Head, dismissed. 

Organ Law Offices, P.C., on behalf of Monesmith & Wood, vs the following: Dawn and Nathan Poole, default judgment for plaintiff, $343.65 plus costs and interest; Cory L. Thomas, default judgment for plaintiff, $126 plus costs and interest; Nicholas Gress, judgment for plaintiff, $4,046.83 plus costs and interest; Julie C. Ferguson, judgment for plaintiff, $318.05 plus costs and interest; Jerrett B. and Rita Mathias, dismissed; Gwyneth F. Dillon, dismissed; Heather and Samuel Allen, default judgment for plaintiff, $1,913.32 plus costs and interest; Penny Garriott, default judgment for plaintiff, $2,269.93 plus costs and interest; Elizabeth and Robert Kocher, dismissed; Billy Taylor, dismissed. 

Charles Kruger Estate vs the following: Sharon Rizley and all occupants, dismissed; Doug Hernandez and all occupants, dismissed. 

Jasper Municipal Utilities vs Nora I. Reyes, judgment for plaintiff, $119.75 plus costs and interest. 

Miranda’s Restaurant Corp. vs Jamie McVay, default judgment for plaintiff, $2,055 plus costs and interest. 

Organ Law Offices, P.C., on behalf of Huntingburg Dentistry, vs Maximino Vaquero, default judgment for plaintiff, $393.64 plus costs and interest. 

Organ Law Offices vs Christopher Stravena and Megan Dunn Stravena, judgment for plaintiff, $364.23 plus costs and interest. 

Carpenter Rentals vs the following: Chelsey Carnahan and Robert McKee, judgment for plaintiff, $1,150 plus costs and interest; Diana Weisheit, dismissed. 

Seng Pediatric Dentistry vs Carl Jones, dismissed.