Dubois County Court News- November 11, 2020



Driving While Suspended: James Nance, $141.

Seatbelt Violation: Leonel A. Hernandez; Anthony L. Terrell; Christopher M. Goldman; Selena M. Sandage; Ryan T. Schuetter; Jessica L. Capehart; Aaron D. Sturgeon, $25.

Disregarding Official Traffic Control Device / Driving While Suspended: Yulijander D. Faba-Cismen, $141.

Speeding: Joseph D. Ellis; Guy N. Ring; Eric E. Anderson; Jarret J. Giles; Leah N. Ashby; Emily P. Lapidus, $141.

Disregarding Official Traffic Control Device: Judith A. Linette, $141.

Driving Too Fast for Conditions: Jason A. Nunez, $141.

Passing Stopped School Bus: Hayleigh A. Weigand, $141.

New Suits

Discover Bank c/o Discover Products, Inc. vs the following: Larry Dups; Glenna Hanselman, civil collection.

Professional & Business Collections, LLC vs the following: Adam and Kristina Wright; Scott and Linda Waddle, civil collection.

Crown Asset Management, LLC vs Kathy Wolfe, civil collection.

LVNV Funding, LLC vs Stephen Salamone, civil collection.

Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC vs Rachel Hall, civil collection.

State of Indiana vs Steve Amazan, reciprocal support.

Michael F. Lahr vs Crystal G. Lahr, domestic relations. 

James King vs Kimberly King, domestic relations.

Midland Funding, LLC vs Maria Peralta, civil collection.

Nancy Hulsman vs Christopher Hulsman, domestic relations.

Circuit Civil

Emily A. Smith vs Brian A. Smith, dismissed.

Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance, as subrogee of Hembree Properties Inc., vs Imogene Patterson, dismissed with prejudice.

Circuit Criminal

State of Indiana vs the following:

Jace Goepferich, pled guilty to domestic battery (count 2) and possession of marijuana (count 3), both class A misdemeanors; sentenced to 365 days in Dubois County Security Center (DCSC) in each count, to run consecutively and with credit for 76 days served and 76 days good time credit, remaining time suspended to supervised probation, undergo substance abuse evaluation and comply with all treatment recommendations, enroll in and complete Batterers Intervention Program, no contact with victim, pay fines and costs.

Superior Civil

First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation vs Maxkinleys Travieso Betancourt and Mariner Finance, LLC, judgment for plaintiff and decree of foreclosure, $66,656.83 plus interest. 

Discover Bank c/o Discover Products Inc. vs Susan Johnson, dismissed.

Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. vs David Miller, dismissed.

Citibank, N.A. vs Yaquelin Risquet, default judgment for plaintiff, $4,371.77 plus costs.

Superior Criminal

State of Indiana vs the following:

Maylin R. Wall, pled guilty to possession of a controlled substance, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC, all suspended to 365 days supervised probation to be transferred to Orange County, 24 hours community service, contact court alcohol/drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screens, pay fines and costs.

Kandra K. Knies, pled guilty to operating a vehicle while intoxicated, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC, with credit for two days served and two days good time credit, remaining time suspended to 361 days supervised probation, 80 hours community service, shall not obtain a valid Indiana driver’s license for 120 days, contact court alcohol/drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, pay restitution if any is due to Theodore Cotman Jr., shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screenings, pay fines and costs.

Trevor M. Rust-Blessinger, pled guilty to possession of paraphernalia with a prior conviction, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 30 days (15 days if good time credit is earned) in DCSC, pay fines and costs.

Brandon L. Staggs, pled guilty to possession of marijuana (count 1), class A misdemeanor, and possession of paraphernalia (count 2), class C misdemeanor; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC in count 1 and 60 days in count 2, to run concurrently, all suspended to 365 days supervised probation, contact court alcohol/drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screenings, pay fines and costs.

Rachel A. Nunez, dismissed.

Marvin J. Kluesner, pled guilty to operating a vehicle while intoxicated, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC, all suspended to 365 days supervised probation, 40 hours community service, contact court/alcohol drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, driver’s license suspended 180 days, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screenings, pay fines and costs.

Small Claims (New Suits)

Procol, Inc. vs the following: Kristin Wilkinson; Chad Garland; Brooke and Jeff Sanders, complaint.

Hoosier Accounts Service vs the following: Jennifer J. Mauntel; Kimberly K. Hay; Cynthia K. Looney; Nathan B. Leistner; Charles D. Fight; Alicia B. Cox; Lisa K. Rust; Judy L. Kaeck; Gene O. Cox; Daniel Lopez; Dustin Shawn Gausin; Ethan E. Stout; Connie Butler, complaint.

Small Claims

Medical of Dubois vs Paul A. Whiteford, judgment for plaintiff, $377.54.

Organ Law Offices, P.C., on behalf of Monesmith & Woods, vs Jessica and Robert Gertsch, judgment for plaintiff, $304.35.

Hoosier Accounts Service vs the following: Glen J. Boehm, judgment for plaintiff, $261.41; Gregory A. Huff, judgment for plaintiff, $1,553.61; Justin M. Morris, judgment for plaintiff, $2,972.02; Danny R. Houchins, judgment for plaintiff, $890.91; Jamie York, judgment for plaintiff, $2,006.81.

Richard L. Reckelhoff, d/b/a Reckelhoff Rental Units, vs Elizabeth Gordon, dismissed.

BARMOR vs Gabriela Luna, judgment for plaintiff, $2,898.24.

Fountain View Estates vs Oscar Flores, judgment for plaintiff, $7,838.24.

Promising Properties, LLC vs Cassandra Schneider and Craig Freeman, judgment for plaintiff, $5,655.95.

Medical & Professional Collection Services, Inc. vs Chrystal M. and Nathaniel A. Miller, judgment for plaintiff, $1,854.93.

Procol, Inc. vs the following: Jamie Manning, judgment for plaintiff, $219.87; Cruz and Viviana Lopez, judgment for plaintiff, $275.05; Christy Jackson, judgment for plaintiff, $144.28; Amanda (Drew) Bulnes, judgment for plaintiff, $364.97.