Dubois County Court News- October 20, 2020



Driving While Suspended / Passing Stopped School Bus: John H. Brzezinski, $141.

Operating With Expired Plates / Improper or No Tail or Plate Light: Gavyn R. Miller, $141.

Speeding: Matthew T. Wagler; James R. Hellums; John M. Mattingly; Parker N. Kippenbrock, $141.

Operating Motor Vehicle With False Plate: Peyton K. Burris, $141.

Operating With Expired Plates / Driving While Suspended / Operating Motor Vehicle Without Financial Responsibility: Heather R. Ortiz, $141.

Disregarding Stop Sign: Landon H. Diamond, $141.

Operating Motor Vehicle Without Financial Responsibility: Nicole E. Rivera Gerena; Connor A. Klem, $141.

No Valid Driver’s License: Isabel Hernandez, $141.

Seatbelt Violation: Dennis A. Lueken; Parker N. Kippenbrock, $25.

Disregarding Official Traffic Control Device: Eilly C. Johnson, $141.

New Suits

Progressive Southeastern Insurance Company vs Ruth Boyer, civil plenary.

Cavalry SPV I, LLC vs Sonya Hubster, civil collection.

Circuit Civil

Larry Labhart vs Bonnie Labhart, marriage dissolved.

Alicia Bolton vs Timothy J. Bolton, marriage dissolved.

First Financial Bank, N.A. vs Kayla N. Buhr, judgment for plaintiff, $8,785.98.

Oliver Juarez Aguilar vs Elsy Alvarenga, marriage dissolved.

Circuit Criminal

State of Indiana vs the following:

Benjamin Drabing, pled guilty to criminal recklessness, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 365 days in Dubois County Security Center (DCSC), all suspended to 365 days supervised probation, pay restitution for auto damages (after which probation will become unsupervised), pay fines and costs.

Jeremy A. Kellams, pled guilty to failure to return to lawful detention, level 6 felony; sentenced to 180 days in DCSC, with credit for time served, pay fines and costs.

Joshua D. Davidson, pled guilty to residential entry, level 6 felony; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC,with credit for three days served and three days good time credit, remaining time suspended to 359 days supervised probation, undergo substance abuse evaluation and comply with all treatment recommendations of Dubois County Drug Court office, pay fines and costs.

Jacob Bean, pled guilty to intimidation, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 364 days in DCSC, all suspended to 364 days unsupervised probation, no contact with Jeremy Uebelhor, pay fines and costs.

Superior Civil

Professional & Business Collections, LLC, as agent for collection of Deaconess Hospital, Inc., vs Danyal Schmitt, judgment for plaintiff, $1,954.80 plus costs.

Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC vs Hope R. Heinz, default judgment for plaintiff, $1,811.66 plus costs.

Superior Criminal

State of Indiana vs the following:

Cody R. Christensen, pled guilty to theft, level 6 felony; sentenced to 365 days in the Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC), to serve on work release, shall not trespass at Jasper Walmart or Ferdinand Dollar General Store, pay fines and costs; also pled guilty to operating a vehicle after being a habitual traffic offender; sentenced to 365 days in IDOC, to serve on work release, driver’s license suspended 365 days, pay fines and costs; also pled guilty to unlawful possession or use of a legend drug (count 1), level 6 felony, and criminal mischief (count 4), class B misdemeanor; sentenced to 730 days in IDOC in count 1 and 180 days in DCSC in count 4, to run concurrently and with credit for 94 days served, leaving remainder of sentence to serve in DCSC, pay fines and costs.

Ryan M. Hulen, pled guilty to possession of a narcotic drug, level 6 felony; sentenced to 540 days in DCSC, with 180 days to serve on home detention with GPS monitoring and remaining time suspended to 360 days supervised probation, contact court alcohol/drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screenings, pay fines and costs.

Jeffrey G. Deich, pled guilty to possession of methamphetamine, level 6 felony; sentenced to 240 days in DCSC, with credit for time served, pay fines and costs.

Mustang R. Beckham, dismissed.

Michael S. Schepers, dismissed.

Dwayne F. Schepers, dismissed.

Small Claims (New)

Full-O-Pep vs Lloyd Carpenter, complaint.

Hoosier Accounts Service vs the following: Daniel Angeles; Amber F. Linne; Rene A. Allbright; Brandy D. Arndt; Lindsey Allen; Ada D. Monge; Britni N. Chavez; William J. Burris; Sarah E. Greene; Robert Cleveland; William J. Stubbs, complaint.

Carpenter Rentals vs Dylan Grinder, eviction.

Medical of Dubois vs the following: Gennifer B. Burgess; Valerie J. Jones; Jacob L. Loper; Justin A. Sims; Julia A. Thomas and Aaron Wheat; Trinity J. Mayfield; Erica R. Mason; Miguel A. Lara; Samantha Gonzales; Bladimir A. Lopez; Paul A. Whiteford, complaint.

Small Claims

Hoosier Accounts Service vs the following: Damian W. Hartke, default judgment for plaintiff, $717.21; Craig T. Johnson, judgment for plaintiff, $7,875.38; Deborah K. Borden, judgment for plaintiff, $6,968.64; Jeffery R. Cochren, judgment for plaintiff, $654.16; Kindra B. Thewes, dismissed.

Procol, Inc. vs Kody Kohlmeyer, judgment for plaintiff, $1,126.70.

Kevin and Beth Howard vs Eric Carr, judgment for plaintiff, $4,662.19.

A&B Housing vs Andrea Braunecker, dismissed.