Dubois County Real Estate Transfers – December 22, 2023


Jan Navarro to Kyle and Audrey Werner. Pt. SE SE s24, t1n, r3w, 3.32 acres.

Richard D. Lubbehusen, a/k/a David R. Lubbehusen and Brabara E. Lubbehusen to Richard D. and Barbara E. Lubbehusen, Deed of Correction. Lot 8, Roettgers Add., Patoka Twp.

Bell Haven Farms, LLC to Robert Brian and Jill Beth Powers. Pt. NW NE s31, t2s, r5w; Pt. NE NW s31, t2s, r5w.

Allen R. and Kathleen R. Schneider to Ethan J. and Jenna R. Merkel. Lot 36, Country Club Estates III, Jasper.

Bradley D. and Sara Y. Bawel to the Bradley D. Bawel Revocable Trust, Bradley D. Bawel, trustee. Lots 1 and 2, Braun’s Second Add., Bainbridge Twp.

Bradley D. and Sara Y. Bawel to Patoka River Forestry, LLC. Pt. NW SW s19, t1s, r4w; Pt. NW s30, t1s, r4w; NE SE s24, t1s, r5w; SE Corner SE s24, t1s, r5w.

Estate of Chris A. Blessinger to Lucas M. Blessinger, executor. Lot 7 and N 1/2 Lot 6, Reyling Add., Bainbridge Twp.

Richard D. and Barbara E. Lubbehusen to Blanca R. Villalobos and Brandon Lopez. Lot 8, Roettgers Add., Patoka Twp.

Thomas J. Kleinhelter, Sheriff of Dubois County to Carpenter Rentals, LLC. Pt. Lots 2 and 5, Rieders Add., Jasper (Sheriff’s Sale).

Thomas J. Kleinhelter, Sheriff of Dubois County to Carpenter Rentals, LLC. Pt. SE NW s36, t1s, r5w, Jasper (Sheriff’s Sale).

Christopher K. and Amanda J. Rahman to Lila M. Buechler. Lot 84, St. Marks, Jackson Twp.

Alexander J. and Jordan E. Neukam to Ernerst E. Jr. and Beverly J. Hinkle. Lot 149 and Pt. Lots 148, 147 and 148, Northwood Park Add., Bainbridge Twp.

Luke P. Jacob to Luke P. and Mariah Jacob. Pt. SE NE s3, t2s, r3w, 1.250 acres, Celestine.

Kent N. Talbert to Eduardo J. Sierra. Lot 18, Bretzs First Add., Huntingburg.

Tom J. Kleinhelter, Kenneth R. and Jill R. Wright to US Bank Trust National Assn. and Reo Trust 2017-RPL 1. E 1/2 NE s26, t2s, r3w, 0.50 acre, Birdseye (Sheriff’s Deed).

Estate of Mary Lee Allen, by Scott Spard, executor, to Micaela T. Spayd. Pt. NW SE s17, t2s, r3w, 0.34 acre; Pt. NW SE s17, t2s, r3w, 0.04 acre; Pt. NW SE s17, t2s, r3w, 0.06 acre.

Keith Herzog to Carpenter Renatls, LLC. Lot 3 and Pt. Lots 21 and 22, Omer F. Kueblers Second Add., Jasper.

Tyler Bolen to Caitlin D. Lueken. NW Corner SE NE s23, t3s, r6w, 0.27 acre; Pt. SE NE s23, t3s, r6w, 0.039 acre; Pt. SE NE s23, t3s, r6w, 0.075 acre, Holland.

Donna Marye Sako and Paula Jayne Duncan to Gregg D. Kemper. Lot 41 and Pt. Lot 40, Beckmans Add., Ferdinand.

Estate of Clarissa A. Schipp, by Norma Jean Schipp, personal representative, to Norma Jean Schipp. Lot 86, Ferdinand OT.

Gerald W. and Mary E. Boehman to Antonio Jara. Lot 80, Badendorff II, Bainbridge Twp.

Daniel J. and Patricia L. Mehringer to Daniel J. and Patricia L. Mehringer Irrevocable Family Trust. Pt. SE SW s7, t1s, r4w, one acre, Jasper.

Glen L. Sanders, deceased, to Carolyn S. Sanders. Survivorship Affidavit. Pt. SW NW s26, t2s, r3w, 0.28 acre.