Dubois County Real Estate Transfers – May 11, 2021


Donnie Gene Cato, Jr. to Nadine M. Turney. Lot 98, Oak Forest Add. to Lake Helmerich, Huntingburg.

Cori and Ryan Wilson to Marvin Abrego Serrano. Lot 28, Roettgers Add.

Victor A. and Eileen A. Fromme to Daniel Fromme, Todd Fromme and Laurie Mehringer. Lot 59, Wind Song Estates II.

James C. and Cassandra Lee Elliott to James B. and Abby Stiles and Daniel and Abby Althoff. Lot 38, Lake Helmerich Sub.

The Donald G. and Delores B. Conrad Irrevocable Trust, by Adrianna Conard (trustee), to the Donald G. and Delores B. Conrad Irrevocable Trust and Adrianna Conrad (trustee). Pt. NE SE s36, t1n, r3w; Pt. SE NE s36, t1n, r3w, containing 20.99 acres; E 1/2 NE s36, t1n, r3w, 78.5 acres.

Darlene K. Schnell to the Darlene K. Schnell Revocable Trust. Lot 40, Silver Springs II.

Debbie Guimond Skadberg to Earl Guimond. Lot 9, Joseph Eggs Sub.

Christine Guimond Rose to Earl Guimond. Lot 9, Joseph Eggs Sub.

Brent A. and Chelsea L. Schuler to Michael I. and Nancy L. Hotze. Lot 21, Replat of Northview Estates, Jasper.

Pfaff Properties, LLC to Megan K. Duffy. Lot 25, Petry’s First Add., Jasper.

Judah H. and Jessica L. Delorenzo to Celeste Acuff Dahmer and Adam G. Dahmer. Lots 1 and 36, O Eckerle’s West Heights Add., Jasper.

Kody Dorsam to Gerald R. and Beverly J. Schnell. Lot 239, Badendorff VI, Jasper.

Darwin K. Taylor to Tiffany K. Neuhoff. Lot 29, Keystone Crossing II.

Jagoe Homes, Inc. to Joshua Parker and Caitlin Marie Tempel. Lot 80, Hunters Crossing Section 3.

BDH Rentals, LLC and Don R. Hardesty to Kristin Rachelle and Nathan Scot Buechlein. Pt. NE s35, t2s, r4w, 1.29 acre; Pt. NE NE s35, t2s, r4w, 0.07 acre; Pt. NE NE s35, t2s, r4w, 0.01 acre.

Samuel B. Griepenstroh to TNT Holdings, LLC. Pt. Lots 37 and 38, Wagners Add.

KAKB, LLC to Kerstiens Development, Inc. Pt. NW NE s32, t1s, r5w; Pt. NE NW s32, t1s, r5w, 27.124 acres.

Kerstiens Development, Inc. to Kerstiens Homes and Designs, Inc. Lot 18, Trinity Crossing; Lots 3 and 13, Country Ridge Estates.

Michael J. Hochgesang, Kenneth E. Hochgesang, Bryan J. Hochgesang and Sherri A. Messier to Eugene H. and Marlene R. Hochgesang. Pt. SE s13, t2s, r5w, 1.82 acre; Pt. SE s13, t2s, r5w, 1.05 acre.

Brodey R. Nordhoff to Colton L. Nordhoff. Pt. SE SW s33, t3s, r5w, 1.20 acre, Dale.

Cleo Alvin Hall (deceased), by Regina M. Thomas (executor), to Janet Smith. Pt. SE SE s29, t1n, r3w, 1.86 acre.

Frank J. Otte and William J. Otte to Frank J. Otte and William J. Otte. NE SE s27, t1n, r3w, 40 acres; NW SE s27, t1n, r3w, 40 acres; SW SE s27, t1n, r3w, 40 acres; SW SE s27, t1n, r3w.

Bertram L. Hollinden (deceased) to Dorothy Mae Hollinden. Survivorship affidavit. Pt. NW NE s35, t3s, r5w, 0.05 acre.

Dorothy Mae Hollinden to Linus B. Hollinden. Pt. NW NE s35, t3s, r5w, 0.05 acre.