Dubois County Real Estate Transfers – October 17, 2022


J&J Maurer Properties, LLC and Jeffrey A. and Janelle L. Maurer to Tanner Krueger. Pt. NE NW s3, t3s, r65w.

Sharon L. Henke and the Sharon L. Henke Special Needs Trust, by Donna Wigand (trustee), to CACL, LLC. Pt. SW SE s14, t1s, r5w, 0.23 acre.

Morganne L. Haase to Tara R. and Jason Betz. Lots 27 and 28, Schnellville.

Lois C. Lechner and the Lois C. Lechner Irrevocable Map Trust, by Cathy S. Powell (trustee), to Dawn Lehmkuhler. Lot 12, Red Oak Estates, Jasper.

William R. Jr. and Doris Dittmer to Yvonne Lee and Robert Joseph Zink. S 1/2 of the S 1/2 Pt. NE s32, t2s, r4w, 5.22 acres, Huntingburg.

Terry L. Bockting to Terry L. Bockting and Deborah J. Conen. Pt. NW NE s32, t2s, r5w, 4.65 acres, Jasper; Pt. NE NW s32, t2s, r5w, 6.47 acres.

Jennifer J. Kramer and George Ryan Bockting to George W. and Kathleen J. Bockting. E 1/2 NW s32, t2s, r5w, 4.48 acres, Huntingburg.

Kerstiens Development, Inc. to Kerstiens Homes & Designs, Inc. Lots 26, 27, 28 and 32, Brookstone Estates VII.

Jared D. Melliff to Seth G. and Kylie Nicole Gates. Lot 57, Hunters Crossing Section 2, Huntingburg.

Leisure Living Properties, LLC to Alvaro Tobar Lopez. Pt. Lot 24, Kundeck’s Second Add.

Global Logistics, LLC to JHI Realty, LLC. Lots 1 and 2, GL II Sub., Jasper.

Kerstiens Homes & Designs, Inc. to Craig M. and Lynn A. Greulich. Lot 28, Brookstone Estates VII.

Port of Jasper, N.C. to Port of Jasper Properties, LLC. W 1/2 NW s31, t1s, r4w, 0.346 acre; W 1/2 NW s31, t1s, r4w, 0.319 acre.

Claire M. Rohleder and Lydia Saylor to Luis Orlando Palma. Lot 23 and Pt. Lot 24, Memorial Place.

Raymond S. Moffatt and the Raymond S. Moffatt Irrevocable Living Trust, by James R. Moffatt (trustee), to Pleasant Farms, LLC. NW NW s13, t1n, r3w, 14.25 acres.

Gary W. and Donna L. Duncan to Chunk & Dunc Realty, LLC. Pt. In-Lot 5, Huntingburg.

Chunk & Dunk Realty, LLC to Prestige Countrywide, LLC. Pt. In-Lot 5 and N 1/2 In-Lot Lot 3, Huntingburg.

Daniel E. Underhill to Mount Blue Cabin Rentals, LLC. W 1/2 NW s1, t2s, r3w, 2.81 acres; W 1/2 NW s1, t2s, r3w, 2.31 acres.

George W. and Marilyn S. Rasche to TCS Farms, LLC. Pt. SE NE s4, t1s, r4w, 0.108 acre.

Gary Lee Witte (deceased) and the Life Estate of Agnes B. Witte, by Eric J. Witte (executor), to Eric J. Witte. SW NE s1, t3s, r5w; SE NW s1, t3s, r5w; E 1/2 SE s5, t2s, r4w.