Already rising waters topped many local roads across the county early last week, and that was before all the white stuff became the wet stuff. Luce Fire Territory alone reported multiple water rescues in the Richland area on February 18, before heavy snowfall began in earnest. County Road 900W and State Road 161 around that community were particularly busy spots for water rescue operations. Communities closer to the river also saw their low-lying roads covered as waters continued to rise. Motorists are strongly advised to avoid driving across flooded roads, and be particularly cautious of slick spots that might send them off road into the floodwaters. Road signs and barriers have been erected to warn motorists of affected areas.
Photos by Don Steen
Featured Image: The Grandview Boat Ramp disappears under the rising Ohio River.

World of Water: (Left) A barge travels down the Ohio River. (Center) Eighth St. in Grandview terminates in a deluge with a lone pair of tire tracks in the snow that remains. (Right) The road through Rockyside Park in Rockport lies submerged.