Grandview Fall Fest greets the season


The 78th annual Grandview Fall Festival was graced with clear skies, punctuated by the odd appearance of a WWII plane or two. The annual parade filled Main Street with a variety of entries, from farm equipment to fire trucks. Kids loaded up on candy ahead of continuing festivities at the Civic Center, where meals, ice cream, games awaited to keep the party going through the evening.

Photos by Don Steen

Featured Image: Kids wave to fire trucks as the parade begins.

Pictured clockwise from above: The crowd gathers up remaining candy as the parade moves to the Grandview Civic Center. Judge Jon Dartt hands out beads. Bill Sherer drives down Main Street on his 1950 Ford Tractor. Candy flies from a truck to waiting kids. One-year-old Brenlee sits in the grass with a sucker.