Indiana Traffic Fatalities Up in 2022


Hoosiers urged to drive carefully during Memorial Weekend, Summer

During the first three months of this year, 209 Hoosiers have been killed in car crashes, a 17% increase in traffic fatalities compared to the same time period over the last five years. 

During this holiday weekend, and over the summer when more people are on the roads, Chief Deputy Prosecutor Megan Bennet wants the residents of Spencer County to put an emphasis on driving safely and driving sober. Data shows that the number of traffic fatalities and injury crashes increases during the summer so now is the time to emphasize safe driving. 

Since the pandemic began, traffic fatalities have been increasing as motorists have been driving faster and fewer drivers and passengers are wearing seatbelts, according to data from the Indiana Department of Transportation. Doing simple things like slowing down while driving and making sure everyone in the car is wearing a seatbelt could end up saving lives. 

With the Memorial Day weekend coming up this weekend, now is also a good time to remember the importance of using a designated driver. Law enforcement tends to see predictable spikes in drunk and drugged driving incidents and fatalities during holidays and Memorial Day weekend is no exception. 

All of us need to be more cognizant when we are out on the roadways, especially during the summer with so many people heading out on vacations or visiting family. Don’t become another statistic and don’t throw your life away by speeding or driving while under the influence. This is also a good reminder to say something if you see something. If you observe another motorist driving recklessly, call law enforcement. If you know someone is under the influence, do not let them get behind the wheel. By working together, we can make sure everyone has a safe and enjoyable summer.