Jerome P. Kunkler, 92, Tell City


Jerome Peter “Pete” Kunkler was born near Adyeville in Perry County on January 27, 1930, the son of Joseph and Otillia (Otto) Kunkler. 

He was baptized as a member of St. Meinrad Catholic Church and received his First Holy Communion, First Confession, and Solemn Communion in the Saint Meinrad Archabbey Church before the parish had their own church built. He attended St. Meinrad Grade School and Mount Gilead Grade School and one semester at Bristow High School.

He served in the United States Army from 1951-53, traveling across the country from Georgia to Alaska and reaching the rank of corporal. He worked at William Tell Woodcrafters and Swiss Plywood for 32 years until he retired in 1992. 

Pete was a member of St. Mark Catholic Church where he had served as an usher and a member of the parish council. A retired volunteer firefighter for Anderson Township Fire Department and a member of the Indiana Volunteer Firefighters Association, he received his gold 50-year pin. He was a member of American Legion Post 213 and the Tell City Knights of Columbus 1172.

He volunteered as a member of the Farm Bureau board of directors, Perry County 4-H programs, and the Little Shubael Pioneer Village. He was a farmer and a woodworker all of his life, making and selling or donating many small wooden furniture pieces to raffles or gifts to friends and family. Pete was especially proud of his Woodmizer sawmill bought in the 1980s and used to saw lumber on the farm and for area customers. He was an avid gardener and made wine and jelly. He loved to take rides on his Kawasaki Mule on the farm near St. Mark, going to the woods or the pond, checking fences, or entertaining grandchildren. 

He is survived by his wife of 61 years, Marlene Jasper Kunkler, whom he married at St. Ferdinand Church on June 17, 1961; his sons, David (Donna) of Branchville, Chris (Stacey) of Hopkinsville, KY, Dan (Donna) of Fitzgerald, GA, Bill (Julia) of Evansville, and Tony (Cindy) of Fishers; his daughters, Jenny (Mike Edwards), Tina Kunkler-Laake (Greg), and Jerene Gilliam (Tripp); 15 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; a brother, Albert (Imogene) of Ferdinand; and numerous nieces and nephews. 

Pete was preceded in death by his parents; a brother, Hilbert (Rita); and a sister, Lucille and her husband, John Bumm.

A Mass of Christian burial will be held at 10 a.m. CST on Monday, February 13, at St. Mark Catholic Church with burial in the church cemetery. Visitation will be on Sunday, February 12, from 1-6 p.m., with a memorial service by the Anderson Township Fire Department at approximately 5:45 p.m. and Monday from 8:30-9:15 a.m. at Huber Funeral Home, Tell City Chapel.  

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to St. Mark Catholic Church. 

Condolences may be left for the family at