Leadership Spencer County to Host Dangers of Prescription Drug Misuse


WHO: Leadership Spencer County
WHAT: Dangers of Prescription Drug Misuse Presentation
WHEN: Monday, November 18, 2019 from 5:30-7:30pm
WHERE: Trinity United Methodist

The presentation is a real-life story. This is not your usual drug misuse presentation. The audience will see how one poor decision can change a life, family, and friends forever. The opioid crisis has a broad impact and is an unbiased killer.

This presentation is the last of the 2019 Empower Spencer County series and also presented by A Better Rockport (ABR).

Dinner will be provided, beginning at 5:30 pm CT and the presentation will begin at 6:00 pm CT.

Register for this FREE event here: https://bit.ly/33l8Ca0

Trinity United Methodist Church
124 South 5th Street
Rockport, IN 47635