Medicine Cabinet Cleanout Day slated


Medicine Cabinet Cleanout Day will be held from 8 a.m.-noon on Saturday, April 22, at several volunteer fire departments. Take your expired, unused or unwanted prescription or over-the-counter medication to Dale, Rockport, Santa Claus or St. Meinrad VFDs to be safely disposed of.

Why not just throw them away? Sponsors offer the following reasons:

• Don’t flush. What you flush could end up in your drinking water.

• Prescription drugs are abused more frequently than illegal drugs.

• Seventy percent of teens obtain their drugs from friends’ or relatives’ homes.

Medicine Cabinet Cleanout Day is sponsored by the federal D.E.A., and Spencer County Substance Abuse Council, Volunteer Fire Departments and Spencer County Solid Waste Management District.

For more information, call 812-362-7401.