North Spencer County School Corporation closing until April 3rd


North Spencer Schools will be closed from March 16th through April 3rd. Following are some details reguarding operations and procedures:

-March 16th- All staff will be present to plan e-learning lessons, assist with connectivity, clean, and organize buildings.

-No lessons will be delivered to students

-Students/Families will check connectivity and/or plan for alternative learning

-March 17th- All staff will be present to plan e-learning lessons, assity with connectivity, clean, and organize buildings.

-No lessons will be delivered to students

-Students/Families will check connectivity and/or plan for alternative learning

-March 18-20th- E-Learning will begin.

-March 23-27th- Spring Break

-March 30th- April 3rd- E-learning will continue (Reassessment of ECA activities and practices)