Photo Gallery: South Spencer vs Princeton Homecoming


Last Friday night the Rebels faced off against the Princeton Tigers at Fred Ayer Field in Reo, walking away with 40-12 victory!

Photos by: Sierra Bruggeman

Crown bearer, Layla Bartlett brings out the crowns.
Ball Carrier, Grady Neu, carries the signed ball.
Allison Pucket and Jed Ambs
Underclassmen Drema Howe and Denver Epperson
Seniors Hannah Lindsey and Mak Kessner
Seniors Sam Stone and Nia Wilson
Prince Mak Kessner
Jackson Raaf leads Princess Sydney Young out onto the field.
Prince Mak Kessner gives Princess Sydney Young a kiss on cheek after crowning her.
Princess Sydney Young and Prince Mak Kessner stand together.
Aston Tindle is crowned as King.
King Ashton Tindle crowns Queen Jacy Jarboe.
Now Crowned, Queen Jacy Jarboe and King Ashton Tindle pause for pictures.
The crowds pause for the national anthem before the big game.
The team runs out onto the field, cheered on.
James Vaughn gets the crowd excited.
The coin toss to determine which team starts.
Two players celebrate a touchdown!
The Rebel Cheerleaders do a stunt.
James Vaughn gets tackled.
Rylan Davis carries the ball.