Real Estate Transfers – July 20, 2020


Kenneth L. Hardy to Mackenzie Elizabeth and Seth T. Gehlhausen. SE SW s20, t6s, r5w, 0.96 acre; SW SW s20, t6s, r5w, 0.96 acre; NW NW s29, t6s, r5w, 2.38 acres, Grandview.

Mark S. and Diana Balogh to Jason D. and Sarah E. Barnett. Lot 9, Santa Fairway 8th Sub., Santa Claus.

Joshua C. and Amy A. Wilson to Tiffany A. Campbell. Lot 73, Santa Fairway 8th Sub., Santa Claus.

James L. Whitehouse to Stephanie Oleksyk. Lot 46, Pleasant Grove Sub. Phase 1, Rockport.

Keith P. Bass and April McGinnis, by Shelby L. Bass (attorney-in-fact), to Kyle S. Goldman. Pt. NW SE NE s10, t7s, r7w; Pt. NE SE NE s10, t7s, r7w; Pt. NE NE s10, t7s, r7w.

Tildon Gene McCormick to Russell J. III and Renita S. Halvorson. Lot 246, Holly Shores 5th Sub., Santa Claus.