Real Estate Transfers – March 23, 2020


Michael and Karla Broshears to Lucas W. Ebelhar. Lots 247 and 248, JB Chrisney, Chrisney.

Kelly Q. Jones to Ron Smith. Lot 89, Santa Fairway 8th Sub., Santa Claus.

Curtis S. and Karyn B. Rafferty to AW Rothschild, LLC. Pt. SE SW s17, t4s, r5w, 1.07 acre, Dale.

Timothy A. and Theresa M. Bosecker to Curtis and Rita Recker. Lots 21, 22 and 23 and Pt. Lots 28, 29 and 30, Town of Richland.

Indiana Valley, LLC to Eric S. and Steven A. Lindauer. N 1/2 s30, t7s, r7w, 97.74 acres; SE s19, t7s, r7w, 2.529 acres.

Larry C. Kincaid to Delbert M. Embry. Pt. Lots 23 and 24, Gentrys Add.

Anna Jean Boyd and Kaye Ann Masterson to Jeremy S. and McKenzie L. Steckler. Pt. NW SW s32, t7s, r6w, 2.984 acres.

Mildred Holtzman to Vikas Kumar R. Patel. Lots 45 and 84, Town of Fulda.

Anthony C. Campbell to Anthony C. and Lora D. Campbell. NW NW s22, t7s, r7w, 0.329 acre, Richland.

Charles F. Beckort to CFB Farm Trust. NW NE SW s29, t7s, r6w, three acres; NE SW s29, t7s, r6w, one acre; NE SW s29, t7s, r6w, 14.30 acres, Rockport.