Real Estate Transfers – October 19, 2020


Ronald L. Smith and Deborah S. Simmons to Mary Kay Nordheim. NE SE s12, t5s, r5w, two acres, Lamar.

Lula F. Michel to Gregory A. and Rebekah Michel. Lot 15, Cedar Crest, Town of Santa Claus.

Gregory A. and Rebekah Michel to Phillip W. and Loretta L. Michel. Lot 15, Cedar Crest, Town of Santa Claus.

Donald Wertman to Town of Dale. Pt. Gabriel Medcalf’s Add.

Allen R. Beier to Kenneth L. Beier. NW SW s3, t5s, r4w, 3.25 acres.

Ronald L. Smith to Jan A. Braun. Lot 56, Santa Fairway 8th Sub., Santa Claus.

Charles J. and Twilan M. Moore to Emiliya S. and Martin K. Hill. NE NW s23, t14s, r4w, 0.08 acre; SE SW s14, t4s, r5w, 6.89 acres.

Nathan D. and Morgan E. Jones to Clayton Cochenour and Megan Ryan. Lots 20, 21 and 22, Lakeview Sub., Richland.

Concept Land Development, LLC to John D. and Bobbi Ann Skimmerhorn. Lots 1-14, Grandview Heights, 3.797 acres.

Michael C. and Karen S. Hughes to Blake Harpenau. SE NE s15, t5s, r5w, nine acres.