Redemption provides details on in-person gatherings


Redemption Christian Church — with campuses in Jasper and Loogootee — will transition to in-person gatherings on June 14, with gathering times at 9 and 10:30 a.m. at the Jasper Campus — 1450 Energy Dr. — and 10 a.m. at the Loogootee Campus — 1 Loogootee Plaza.

A full F.A.Q. can be found at Below are some highlights:

• For at least June 14, Redemption is not requiring any reservations to attend a service at any campus. The need for reservations and possible service time changes will be made on a week-to-week basis as situations and conditions warrant.

• Face masks are encouraged for all individuals at all campuses.

• Both seating and times of communion will be adjusted to maintain safety of all present. This may require more time before entering worship centers in the buildings.

• Redemption’s children’s ministry and nurseries will remain closed as in-person gatherings resume. Redemption will continually evaluate conditions on an ongoing basis and resume as soon as possible. Overflow seating and family-friendly areas will be set aside for families, if desired, at both campuses.

• Older individuals and those most at risk should exercise their best judgement on returning to in-person gatherings. According to state guidelines, “Hoosiers 65 and older and those with known high-risk medical conditions should adhere to social distancing guidelines and remain cautious at work and in their communities.”

• Anyone who is sick or displays symptoms associated with COVID-19 are asked to remain at home.

• A live stream of Redemption’s worship services will begin at 9 a.m. EDT and be available on-demand thereafter for those who are not ready to resume in-person gatherings.

More details and announcements can be found via as well as Redemption app, social media outlets, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

For more information, visit, get the Redemption App, or call 812-481-2410.