Richland Library undergoes major revamp


The Spencer County Public Library’s Richland branch has been closed for renovations since January 11, but its doors are once again open and visitors will find the little library much changed. The Marylee Vogel Library has undergone its first major remodel since 2005, complete with new carpeting, new paint and a complete flip in terms of layout. 

The circulation desk is now located to one’s immediate left upon entering. Books have already been set up along the other side of the library, with some work remaining. The restroom has also been revamped.

“We basically redid everything,” said Brian Dawson, IT Director for SCPL.

Dawson and SCPL employee Joe Wikswo were hard at work last week putting some final touches on various projects. Progress was quick, however, and the library should be substantially complete this week. 

The Marylee Vogel Branch opened in 1997, replacing the Richland Book Stop. It features many services for patrons, including story time, computers, a fax machine, a copier, laminator and much more. The library is located at 6014 W. Division Street in Richland and can be reached at 812-359-4146.