Spencer County Accidents – August 17, 2020


Spencer County Sheriff’s Office

Right-angle collision

Patricia Long, 31, of Owensboro, KY, was traveling on US 231 near Chrisney when a 2011 Ford Fiesta driven by 19-year-old Zachary Kemp of Boonville crossed the southbound lanes of 231 from SR 70, causing Long to strike his car. Both vehicles then traveled down an embankment on the southwest side of the road. Kemp was transported to the hospital by EMS for a minor injury to his head, while Long was treated for her injuries at the scene. Total damage in the August 4, 1:50 p.m. collision was estimated between $50,000-100,000.

Motorcycle sideswipe

James Vaughn, 41, of Chrisney, was eastbound on CR 900 N on his 2017 Harley Davidson when, he later told police, a deer ran into his path. Vaughn hit his brakes and swerved to miss the deer, causing the front highway bar of his motorcycle to hit the front wheel assembly of the 2001 Harley Davidson behind him, driven by 40-year-old Jeremy Young, also of Chrisney. Neither driver was injured in the August 8, 8:47 p.m. accident, and damages were estimated between $1,000-2,500.

Left turn collision

Linndsey Faulkner, 17, of Rockport, was northbound on Orchard Road near South Spencer Middle School when, according to the report, her 2016 Dodge Ram 150 was struck by an oncoming 2007 Toyota Camry driven by 17-year-old Skyler Harvey of Grandview. Police say Harvey was attempting a left turn from the parking lot the middle school and failed to yield to Faulkner’s truck. EMS was requested to check on both drivers, per their parents’ request, but neither driver was injured. Damages in the August 13, 3:13 p.m. accident were estimated between $1,000-2,500.

Rear-end collision

Thomas Drwal, 74, of Rockport, was attempting to slow his 2018 GM Sierra on SR 161, due to the north lane being shut down for construction, when he was rear-ended by a 2007 Honda Ridgeline driven by 20-year-old Ruth Kennedy, also of Rockport. The impact pushed Drwal’s vehicle into the back of a 2015 Hyundai Elantra SE driven by 69-year-old William Paraschak of Evansville. Paraschak’s Hyundai was able to be driven from the scene, but both Drwal’s and Kennedy’s vehicles had to be towed due to disabling damage. According to police, construction/road work signs were posted and flaggers were conducting traffic control in the area when the accident occurred. None of the three drivers were injured in the August 13, 1:31 p.m. collision, but total damages were estimated between $50,000-100,000.

Rear-end collision

Jeffery Kessans, 44, of Hawesville, KY, was stopped at a red light on SR 66 in Rockport when, according to the report, his 2007 Nissan Pathfinder was struck from behind by a 2018 Jeep driven by 63-year-old Judy Wilkinson of Richland. The impact pushed Kessans’ vehicle into the back of a 2013 Dodge Durango driven by 45-year-old Amy Rainey of Richland. Wilkinson was trapped in her vehicle and had to be transported to the hospital for treatment of her injuries, while Kessans was treated at the scene. Rainey was uninjured. Total damages in the August 4, 2:40 p.m. collision were estimated between $10,000-25,000.