Spencer County Accidents – March 29, 2021


Spencer County Sheriff’s Department

Ran off road

Kristoffer Polk, 43, of Tell City, was northbound on Fulda Shortcut when, he later told police, he ran off the roadway. Though he attempted to get back onto the roadway, his 2014 Toyota Prius got pulled further into the ditch before striking a metal culvert pipe. Polk was not injured in the March 15, 4:28 a.m. accident, but damages were estimated between $2,500-5,000.

Collides with light pole

Dorothy Askins, 68, of Owensboro, KY, was eastbound in the parking lot of Luce Elementary School when, she later told police, she became distracted by looking into the back seat and struck the concrete base of a light pole. Askins was not injured in the March 19, 7:50 a.m. accident, but damage to her 2013 Hyundai Sonata was estimated between $2,500-5,000. 


Dakota Coleman, 18, of Tell City, was southbound on Fulda Shortcut when he lost control of his 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt due to the wet pavement, causing him to drift into the other lane and strike a northbound 2019 Ford Escape driven by 64-year-old Karen Godare of Tell City. Coleman’s vehicle came to a rest on its side in a ditch. Neither driver was injured in the March 17, 4:12 a.m. collision. Damages were estimated between $10,000-25,000.

Backing accident

Lawrence Clayton, 71, of Newburgh, was eastbound on CR 100 N when, he told police, he missed his turn and attempted to back up, at which point his 2006 Ford F150 struck the 2012 Jeep Liberty behind him. Neither Lawrence nor the driver of the Jeep, 68-year-old Darla Goldman of Richland, were injured in the March 8, 12:33 p.m. collision. Damages were estimated between $1,000-2,500.

Ran off road

James Taylor, 29, of Evansville, was southbound on SR 161 near Rockport when, he told police, he ran off the roadway and struck a ditch and an embankment. A witness to the accident advised authorities Taylor’s 2019 Dodge Journey flipped two or three times before coming to rest on its wheels. EMS checked Taylor’s vitals at the scene, but he denied any further treatment. His vehicle was deemed a total loss in the March 22, 6:01 p.m. crash, with an estimated $25,000-50,000 in damages.


Cody Erwin, 34, of Rockport, was attempting to back out of his driveway on SR 66 in Rockport when, police say, he failed to yield for oncoming traffic and pulled into the lane of travel of a vehicle driven by 60-year-old Larry Little of Evanston, causing Little to strike Erwin’s 2019 Ford F350. Neither driver was injured in the March 22, 4:46 p.m. collision. Damages were estimated between $2,500-5,000.