Home News Spencer County Court News – January 24, 2023

Spencer County Court News – January 24, 2023


Traffic and Other Citations (New)

Speeding: Hunter M. Adler; Nyein Chan; Timothy D. Alvey; Sal Blake; Ivy M. Capehart; Adam S. Aud; Brittany K. Ebelhar; Chad A. Embry; Robert E. Dutton II; Charles J. Crush III; Juan A. Gonzalez-Torres; Madison J. Diel-Schwarzlose; Pamela J. Frields; Chalan D. Cox; Tiffany S. Garcia; Jeffery J. Corbeil; Jason T. Franchville; John D. Garland; Joseph M. Hale; Rachel S. Leibering; Elijah M. Klock; Gregory S. Harris; Elijah T. Harney; Harry E. Kloenhamer; Kevin L. Keown; Nicole A. Testory; Austin W. Spinks; Jurzi R. Sturgeon; Kyle S. Thomas; Kathleen M. McGrath; Liam R. Peschke; Michelle R. Sabelhaus; Brian M. Powers; Chloe V. Pate; Bradey L. Sanders; Dmitri S. Thompson; Sangita Thapa; Kelly T. Powers; Lisa D. Shepherd; Emily K. Powers; Christopher W. Vanwinkle; Lillian H. Vallina; Justin A. Ward; Jose L. Velazquez-Perez.

Driving While Suspended: Zoe E. Cieslack; Jordynn N. Bass.

No Valid Driver’s License: Jude R. Malvoisin.

Seatbelt Violation: Katy A. Karr; Martin T. Moseley.

Operating with Expired Plates: Trey A. Hopkins; Sam S. Tchen; Anna R. Todd; James D. Twomley.

Small Claims (New)

Professional & Business Collections, LLC vs the following: Charles Omega Louden; Zachary Wade Shoemaker; Scotty Mark Wardrip, complaint.

Dale Adams vs Rudolph Brothers Implement, complaint.

Housing Authority of the City of Rockport vs Cheryl Kennedy, complaint.

Hoosier Accounts Service vs Jordan K. Barclay, complaint.

Civil (New)

Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC vs the following: Leah Peters; Jacob Gipson, civil collection.

Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC vs Jessi Sheets, civil collection.

Ally Bank vs Jeffery Fischer and Spencer County Bank, civil collection.

Midland Credit Management, Inc. vs Teressa Smith, civil collection.

LVNV Funding, LLC vs the following: Kimberly Curtis; Morgan Rice, civil collection.

Perry L. and Cheryl Lutz vs Alexander M. Little and Secura Insurance Company, civil tort.

Jill Gross vs Jeffrey E. Gross, domestic relations.

Amanda Lynn McDurmon vs Shad Michael McDurmon, domestic relations.

Criminal Misdemeanors (New)

State of Indiana vs the following:

Michael R. Dempsey, operating a vehicle while intoxicated endangering a person; operating a vehicle with an ACE of at least 0.08 but less than 0.15; operating a vehicle while intoxicated; possession of marijuana; possession of paraphernalia.

Anthony D. Patmore, disorderly conduct, possession of marijuana.

Benjamin R. Agerton, possession of marijuana, possession of paraphernalia.

Ebone P. Hamm, possession of marijuana.

Brian P. Bass, driving while suspended with a prior conviction within the last 10 years, failure to remain at the scene of an accident.

Tristin A. Baize, criminal mischief.

Dante A. Giardina, III, domestic battery.

Kelsie E. Carson, possession of marijuana.

Criminal (New)

State of Indiana vs the following:

Ovtaven Rudaris Thruston, dealing in a narcotic drug, possession of a narcotic drug, possession of marijuana.

Joshua D. Adamic, domestic battery with a prior conviction, domestic battery committed in the presence of a child less than 16 years old, domestic battery.

Daniel S. King, unlawful possession or use of a legend drug, possession of a device or substance used to interfere with a drug or alcohol screening, possession of paraphernalia.

Probate (New)

In Re: the Supervised Estate of William M. Harris.

In Re: the Unsupervised Estate of Hubert A. Hembree, Jr.