Spencer County Court News – March 23, 2020



Speeding: Alexa Oldham; Kristopher Johnson; Keith Miller; Tiffany Alley; David Walker; Diane Butler, $157; Megan Ballis; Ralph Vincent; Dymond Harris; Kennith Taylor; Jay Hartman; Cesar Mojica; Benjamin Green; Hannah Cline, $147; James Wayne, $149.

Disregarding Official Traffic Control Device: Jerry Pasco, $147.

Passing Stopped School Bus: Livia Lindsey, $147.

Operating Motor Vehicle Without Financial Responsibility / Speeding: Mikaela Lambert, $147.

Driving While Suspended: Courtney Breen, $137.

Operating With Expired Plates: Cari Addington, $137.

Speeding in a School Zone: Steffani Suter, $147.

Small Claims (New)

Jackie Morrison vs American Legion Post 254, complaint. 

Evelyn Hall vs Ricky and Dixie Jones, complaint.

Medical & Professional Collections vs the following: Sandra Martin; Gary W. Crickmer; Heath A. Wheatley; Brenda M. Volz; Jayme L. Smithers; Ronda Jameson, complaint.

Civil (New)

Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC vs the following: Philip Gessner; Joshua Mogan; Steven R. Garrett, complaint.

Professional & Business Collections vs Steven R. Garrett, civil collection.

Hoosier Accounts Service vs Kaitlynn A. Garland, civil collection.

Midland Funding, LLC vs Philip Gessner, civil collection.

David Gunn vs State of Indiana, miscellaneous.

Prestige Financial Services vs Jeremy and Amanda Butler, civil collection.

SAC Finance, Inc. vs David and Pamela Embry, civil collection.

Makenzie Tindle vs Andrew Tindle, domestic relations.

Aaron M. Waters vs Ruthie N. Wheeler, domestic relations.

Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC vs Louann Decker, civil collection.

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. vs Christopher M. Vanhoosier, mortgage foreclosure.


LVNV Funding, LLC vs Matthew A. Moll, default judgment for plaintiff, $1,545.55 plus interest.

Professional & Business Collections, LLC, as agent for collection for Deaconess Hospital, Inc., vs John R. Barnes, judgment for plaintiff, $7,070.52 plus costs.

Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC, successor in interest to Fingerhut Advantage, vs Daniel Johnson, default judgment for plaintiff, $550.38 plus interest. 

Criminal (New)

State of Indiana vs the following:

Morgan Luttrell, neglect of a dependent.

Dakota A. Head, neglect of a dependent.

Chase D. McCowen, miscellaneous criminal.

Amy L. Dugas, theft (four counts).

Alexis J. York, possession of methamphetamine, possession of marijuana, possession of paraphernalia.

Mark A. Weatherholt, resisting law enforcement; operating a vehicle with an ACE of 0.15 or more; operating a vehicle while intoxicated, endangering a person; operating a vehicle while intoxicated; reckless driving; criminal recklessness; criminal mischief.

Probate (New)

In Re the Unsupervised Estate of Sandra R. Songer: Curt Songer, personal representative.