Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – April 25, 2023


Leah Renee Greene to Michael D. and Terena J. Kyle. Pt. NE s27, t7s, r6w, Rockport.

Darrick R. Taul to Corey Carpenter. Pt. NW NE s10, t7s, r7w.

Craig Peyton, Crista Adamson and Cynthia Myhalk to Levi Eugene Lampton. Lots 6 and 7, LG Smith Add., Rockport.

Don H. McDowell to Terry W. and Karren S. Davis. Lot 2, Romines Add.

Kerstiens Homes & Designs, Inc. to Judith A. Hatfield. Lot 120, Holly Shores 5th Sub.