Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – February 21, 2022


Michael Riley to Cindy Wilhelmsen. Lot 142, Polar Shores Add. 9th, Santa Claus.

RLA Enterprises, LLC to Raymond P. and Anne M. Colclasure. Lot 164, Holly Shores 5th Sub.

Gage K. and Brittany A. Kirchgessner to Dustin R. Utzman. S 1/2 Lot 33, Villa Ova, Rockport.

Trudy L. Markos and Larry L. Markos (deceased) to Tabitha L. Dehart. Lots 162 and 163, Carol Hills 3rd Sub., Santa Claus; Pt. SE NE s11, t5s, r5w, 0.0722 acre, Santa Claus. 

Ariel L. James to Merritt Rentals, LLC. Lot 4, Baumgaertners; Lots 1, 2 and 3, Williamsons Add.

Lakeridge Partners, LLC to Ron Smith. Lots 101 and 141, Santa’s Fairway Sub.

J&M Poultry, LLC to Thomas L. and Hester L. Lubbehusen. Pt. SE SE s6, t4s, r5w, 2.701 acre; SE SE s6, t4s, r5w, 4.594 acres.

Philip G. and Cheryl R. Taylor to Radhakrishna Mohan Medasani. Lot 228, Holly Shores 5th Sub.

Robert A. Reinke, Elizabeth A. Stephens and Steven D. Reinke to Daniel L. and Kathy S. Reinke. Pt. SW NW SW s18, t4s, r5w, 8.52 acres; Pt. NW SW s18, t4s, 5w, 1.86 acre; W 1/2 SW s18, t4s, r5w, 71.03 acres.

Keith A. and Mary E. Sweeney to the Keith A. and Mary Ellen Sweeney Revocable Trust. Lot 48, Melchoir 1st Sub.

Francis Rockne and Sheila E. Kleeman to Travis Lee Kleeman. SE NE NE s1, t6s, r4w.

Josh and Deanna Davidson to R2 Properties, LLC. No legals given (City of Rockport). 

James A. and Bobbie Jo Sorgius to John Edward and Rachelle Nicole Sorgius. Pt. SE s27, t7s, r6w, 0.42 acre.

Earl P. Simon, Jr., by Marty Simon and Cindy Simon (attorneys-in-fact), to Steven L. and Melissa R. Kern. Pt. NE NE s11, t5s, r4w, 3.04 acres, Evanston. 

Michael Riley to Stephanie and Sterling Montgomery. Lot 228, Polar Shores Add. 9th, Santa Claus.

Joshua Boehman to Janet and Lynn Spencer. Lot 159, January 1st Sub., Santa Claus.