Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – February 28, 2022


Ronna Broshears to Bullseye Construction, LLC. Lots 45 and 46, John Carter, Richland.

RLA Enterprises, LLC to Lori Higham. Lot 34, Evergreen Add. 12th Sub.

Shonn Jenkins (guardian) and Becky L. Jenkins to Cynthia S. and Larry R. Bowman. Pt. SW SW s26, t4s, r5w, 1.11 acres, Santa Claus.

Pauline M. Schaefer to Jake W. Paulin. SW NE s14, t4s, r4w, one acre, St. Meinrad.

Stanley K. Offil to Stanley K. and Sarah K. Offil. Pt. NE NE s1, t4s, r5w, one acre, Dale.

Michael N. and Kathy L. Rivera to Sarah K. and Stanley K. Offil. Pt. NE NE s11, t4s, r5w, one acre, Dale.

The Estate of Eddie Charles Skelton (deceased), by Chris and Craig Burroughs (co-personal representatives), to Craig L. Burroughs. Pt. NE NW s9, t9s, r6w, 25.0 acres; Pt. NE s9, t6s, r6w, 60.0 acres.